New Brunswick declared another novel coronavirus outbreak as the number of cases continued to climb on Tuesday.
Dr. Jennifer Russell reported six cases of the novel coronavirus on Tuesday.

There are now 82 active cases in New Brunswick. Seventy-eight of them have come in the past week.
Five of the cases detected on Tuesday are in the Campbellton zone.
The cases are all related to the regional outbreak and include:
- one individual 19 or under
- one individual between the ages of 30 and 39
- one individual between the ages of 50 and 59
- two people between the ages of 60 and 69.

One case was located in the Moncton zone. It is an individual between the ages of 70 and 79 and the case is linked to the outbreak at the Notre-Dame Manor.
All cases reported on Tuesday are self-isolating, health officials say.

Russell also declared an outbreak at Manoir Du Sagesse in Campbellton, N.B., after one of the six cases reported on Tuesday was detected there.

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The outbreak at Manoir Du Sagesse — a 45-bed long-term care home — is the second long-term care facility to have a declared outbreak.
All three speakers at Tuesday’s update, Education Minister Dominic Cardy, Premier Blaine Higgs and Dr. Jennifer Russell, urged the province’s residents to follow the province’s new masking mandate.
The Moncton and Campbellton zones remain in the orange level of New Brunswick’s COVID-19 recovery plan. In both regions, masks are mandatory in all indoor and outdoor public places.
All other zones remain at the yellow level of New Brunswick’s COVID-19 recovery plan where masks are mandatory in all indoor public places.
Higgs said that it’s important to wear your mask as it is not just for yourself.
He stressed that those who feel the masking rule is restrictive should consider whom they may be harming and that wearing non-medical masks is for the benefit of everyone.
It was a message echoed by Russell.
“We must wear our masks,” Russell said. “By wearing our masks we are protecting our family, our friends and the most vulnerable members of our society.”

Cardy confirmed on Tuesday that four of the province’s schools have confirmed COVID-19 cases connected to the facilities.
A fourth school, Dalhousie Regional High School in Dalhousie, N.B., posted a letter online Tuesday reporting an additional case.
Students at Dalhousie Regional High School will go through remote learning on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Sugarloaf High School in Campbellton, N.B., reported a case on Thursday evening, Academie Notre-Dame in Dalhousie, N.B., reported a case on Saturday and L.E. Reinsborough School in Dalhousie reported a case on Sunday.
Cardy clarified that a case announced Monday at Janeville Elementary School in Janeville, N.B., was a possible case and not a confirmed case.
Cardy also announced that a number of schools in the Campbellton region have been notified of a possible COVID-19 case connected to the schools.
The schools include Lord Beaverbrook School, Campbellton Middle School and Campbellton Learning Centre.
Cardy said it is not expected that education will be affected at the three schools.
Of the 82 active cases on Monday, 41 were located in the Moncton region while 37 are in the Campbellton region. The Saint John and Fredericton areas have two cases each while the Bathurst area has six.
As of Monday, there have been 284 total cases in the province with 200 people recovered. Two people have died from the virus.
There are five patients in hospital, one of whom is in intensive care unit.
New Brunswick has completed 86,723 tests since the pandemic began.