Are you ready to make 2018 a year to remember? Follow these expert tips on how to revamp your mind, body, career, love life and home, and tackle the New Year as a happier, healthier and more centred person.
1. Eat better “The best way to lose fat is through improved nutrition, regardless of how much you exercise. Exercise certainly helps, but if you don’t eat well, your body composition will not improve much.” — Nutritionist and trainer Kyle Byron
2. Eat more plants “Eating more plant-based foods and less animal-based foods is probably the most important decision you can make for your health in 2018. People who eat more plants and less animals tend to have a lower risk of chronic disease and are better able to manage their weight. What else can you ask for?” — Registered dietitian Andy De Santis
3. Choose quality over quantity when it comes to indulgences “Too often, treats like chocolate get a bad rap. However, they frequently possess health benefits, particularly when they are higher quality products. A good quality chocolate (like “bean to bar” products) possesses more antioxidant power per 100 grams than kale, while also having more flavour, higher nutrient density and healthier fats. When you reach for that indulgence, choose high quality over quantity, as you will be far more satisfied with less.” — Naturopath Dr. Quinn Hand
4. Find a buddy “Research shows that if we have support in changing our health behaviours, we will be successful. If your goal is to be more active, find someone who is up to working out with you regularly. Those who work out with a partner are more likely to stick to their fitness goals.” — Registered dietitian Tristaca Curley of Fueling with Food
5. Stop counting calories “Focus on food quality instead. Not all calories are created equal; 100 calories of candy affects your body very differently than 100 calories of almonds. Food is information and eating balanced meals will help you maintain a healthy weight.” — Registered dietitian Desiree Nielsen
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6. Reboot your liver “After holiday partying and drinking, your liver could use a new year reboot. Consider taking N-acetylcysteine, an antioxidant that has been found to aid alcohol-induced liver damage, or opt for liver-supporting herbs like dandelion or milk thistle. Of course, always check-in with a healthcare professional first to ensure it’s the right plan for you.” — Holistic practitioner and author Kristen Ma
7. Stay hydrated “Water does wonders for our wellness and is crucial for a healthier functioning body. It supports your metabolism, digestion, cognitive mental functions, expels toxins, boosts your energy, and much more.” — Wellness expert Anna He
8. Rethink your snacks “If you need an afternoon snack, reach for fruit or nut-based products. They satisfy sweet cravings and don’t come with the sugar crash you’ll get from chocolate bars or cookies.” — Celebrity chef Mark McEwan
9. Engineer your environment “Engineer your environment so that the easy choice is the healthy choice… Fill your pantry and fridge with the foods you want to eat more of, and make sure they are the first foods you see when you go into the kitchen. We are 30 per cent more likely to eat the first food we see when we open the fridge. Have lots of fresh fruits and veggies cut up and ready to eat.” — Registered dietitian Tristaca Curley of Fueling with Food
10. Rethink portion sizes “Restaurant food portion sizes have grown, and this may have skewed our perception of a healthy portion. Enjoy a smaller portion mindfully and that may be enough to satisfy.” — Plant-based dietitian Pamela Fergusson
11. Go beyond meatless Mondays “When cooking, cut back on the meat and substitute it with beans and lentils more often. Prep veggies in advance and store them in the refrigerator. Not only are you more likely to grab them as a snack, they’ll also be ready to toss into stir fries, salads or stews.” — Registered dietitian Shahzadi Devje
12. Eat out less “There’s nothing wrong with eating out once in awhile, but using dining out as a crutch can be hugely problematic. When you eat out too often you are putting yourself in a position where you are consuming more of the calories and sodium that you don’t need, while missing out on the nutrients, vitamins and minerals that you do.” — Registered dietitian Andy De Santis
13. Fluids, fluids, fluids “Drinking enough fluid is vital to keep energy high and reduce cravings and hunger. Two to three litres of fluid is a good target for most people. If you’re not there yet, start small and increase slowly so that your body has time to adjust. Water, milk, herbal teas all count towards your total fluid intake.” — Registered dietitian Tristaca Curley of Fueling with Food
14. Make the grain swap “Swapping in nutrient rich grains like quinoa or bulgur for white bread is an easy way to give your body what it needs without compromising taste. Roasted veggie and quinoa salads are packed with flavour and make a perfect side-dish.” — Celebrity chef Mark McEwan
15. Make small healthy goals “Create a concrete goal to eat more fruits and vegetables, eat more plant proteins, or drink more plain water. In taking a positive mindset, you will create healthy habits that are easy to stick with, and will help you feel more energized.” — Registered dietitian Desiree Nielsen
16. Pack breakfast with protein “Have 25 grams of protein for breakfast. This helps us build muscle and reduces cravings later in the day. You can get this from two eggs and sprouted grain toast or one cup of cottage cheese or plain Greek yogurt.” — Private practice dietitian Cristina Sutter
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17. Ditch good and bad food labels “There’s no such thing as a ‘good’ or ‘bad’ food. Instead, allow yourself to enjoy food mindfully and savour the experience. Be kind to yourself and strive for balance and variety in your diet.” — Registered dietitian Shahzadi Devje
18. Eat more fat “Omega-3 fatty acids aid heart health and decrease inflammation. They also holistically nourish skin by moisturizing dry complexions from the inside-out, and have been seen to protect skin against UV-damage. Resolve to chow down on foods like fatty fish, walnuts, pecans and flax seeds. Love butter? Go for grass-fed butter and ghee, which help elevate vitamin E and A precursors, along with antioxidants.” — Holistic practitioner and author Kristen Ma
19. Ditch the diets and eat for your body “Not all diets are created equal, but neither is every person. Just because Ketogenic, Paleo, or gluten-free diets are all the rage, each person has a different genetic code that may not make that diet the best choice. Some people will need slightly more carbs, while others will do better eating more protein and greens. Listen to your body and how it responds to food, rather than blindly following the ‘it’ diet.” — Naturopath Dr. Quinn Hand
20. Get off your phone “When you are on your phone, what message do you think you are giving your partner? If you have to be on your phone, let your partner know why and for how long. They will be more understanding if they know that you are dealing with a work crisis or making a dinner reservation for the two of you. If you can’t justify why you are on your phone, then put it down. Be in the moment and enjoy what’s happening around you.” — Registered psychologist Nicole McCance
21. Be kind to yourself “Make it a daily practice until it becomes a habit and then a lifestyle. We cannot be kind to others and connect with them fully until we can be compassionate with ourselves. Practice letting things go, self-forgiveness, and ridding your mental dialogue of put-downs and self-criticism.” — Psychotherapist Natasha Sharma
22. Use lubricant “It will change your life and expand your definition of sex. The simple addition of a few drops on your hands, lips, toys or other body parts can create a whole new world of techniques, positions, approaches, strokes and more! Whether you’re 18 or 80, lube is your friend.” — Relationship and sex expert Dr. Jessica O’Reilly, host of the @SexWithDrJessPodcast
23. Don’t focus on just love “Being in love is wonderful. But being ‘in like’ is more important. Love will sustain you over time and distance. But it’s liking that other person, having mutual respect for each other, enjoying each other’s company, enduring their bad or quirky habits, that get you though the day to day.” — Relationship expert Ceilidhe Wynn of Friend of a Friendmatchmaking
25. Love a little harder this year “Greet your partner at the door with a hug. It takes less than a minute, and will have you feel more connected throughout the night. Hugs help release the love hormone oxytocin.” — Registered psychologist Nicole McCance
26. You don’t have to “have it all together” to be in a good relationship “You need to be well-adjusted, self-accepting, self-loving and know the kind of person who would be a good fit for you. When two people who are good on their own come together, they can bring out the best parts of one another and really elevate each other even higher.” — Psychotherapist Natasha Sharma
27. It’s OK to wait “If you’re having trouble finding ‘the one,’ wait three months for your next first kiss. The person who waits that long is the one who took the time to fall for who you are and put in the effort to win your heart.” — Relationship expert Chantal Heide
28. Try being a cheap date “Make first dates easy and inexpensive by making them walking dates. This way you won’t dismiss someone potentially great because they were ‘awkward,’ when in fact it could have been the ‘interview style’ date that created awkward silences.” — Relationship expert Chantal Heide
29. Controlling behaviour “The only behaviour anyone can control is their own. This means that as parents, we can plan what we expect, along with the consequences and how to communicate it.” — Parenting expert Gail Bell of Parenting Power
30. Sleep hygiene “We all need way more sleep than we are getting and it is not optional. Sleep research proves that we can’t learn and function when we are deprived even a little bit of needed sleep. Tucking in on time, for both parent and child, is going to make family life more harmonious in 2018.” — Parenting expert and author Alyson Schafer
31. Ditch the pressure to be a perfect parent “Embrace the fact that you’re a gloriously imperfect parent raising gloriously imperfect kids. Having sky-high expectations of yourself increases the likelihood that you’ll find yourself struggling with parent burnout — something that isn’t healthy for you or your kids. Instead, make this the year you allow you to be less than perfect, give yourself time off for good behaviour and recognize that you can’t be all things to all people at all times.” — Parenting expert and author Ann Douglas
32. Communicating expectations “Communicate these expectations to your children before you expect them. Make sure that the kids know the consequences of their actions; what will happen when they follow expectations and when they don’t.” —Parenting expert Gail Bell of Parenting Power
33. Mindfulness meditation for parents and children “Parents and children alike can learn to calm their own stress and reactivity and co-regulate by commencing a mindfulness meditation practice. Check out apps like Calm, Mindspace or my favourite, 10% Happier. Easy, quick and so effective. There are many misconceptions about what meditation is all about. Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.” — Parenting expert and author Alyson Schafer

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34. Ask yourself one question “Parenting can be exhausting and meeting the needs of a child who is angry or upset can require a super-human amount of patience. You will find it easier to be patient with your child if you pause to ask yourself this one all-important question: ‘What does my child need from me right now?’ Asking yourself that question will allow you to shift your focus from how you are feeling to what you can do to help.” — Parenting expert and author Ann Douglas
35. Follow through “Follow through consistently. Their behaviour is choosing their consequence. You can say very little. No need to yell and scream. Act don’t Yak.” — Parenting expert Gail Bell of Parenting Power
36. Back into the diet “As a therapist, I see too many people on psychotropic medication. Diet, especially one high in healthy fats and low in sugar, can help reverse symptomotogy of many mood and behavior disorders, such as anxiety, depression, ADHD and more. If you want to improve impulsivity, mental clarity and attention, memory and focus, look into these and other important dietary changes for 2018.” — Parenting expert and author Alyson Schafer
37. Resolve to tackle your debt “At this time many Canadians may be feeling the post-holiday blues when they open up their credit card statements this month. Be strategic in tackling your debt by paying off the debt with the highest interest rate first, while paying the minimum on the rest of your debts. Once that first debt is paid off, concentrate your efforts and funds on paying the next debt with the highest interest rate.” — Wade Stayzer, vice president sales and service at Meridian
38. Resolve to get a personalized financial plan “Working with a trusted financial adviser to create a personalized financial plan is like driving with a GPS system — you’ll reach your end goal faster and with less stress. Make sure to meet with your financial advisor at least once a year to re-evaluate your plan and make any adjustments necessary to keep you on track to reaching your financial goals.” — Wade Stayzer, vice president sales and service at Meridian
39. Invest automatically “Saving for the future today isn’t as difficult as you may think, especially if you put your savings on auto pilot. Many financial institutions provide pre-authorized contribution (PAC) plans, which automatically withdraw funds from your chequing account into your savings investments in regular intervals. PACs are a great tool for contributing to RRSPs or TFSAs and if you coincide the withdrawals to align with your payday then the money won’t even be missed.” — Wade Stayzer, vice president sales and service at Meridian
40. Get your estate planning done “Many people do not like to discuss estate planning, but it is very important. The goal of estate planning is to ensure wealth preservation for your loved ones. Estate planning is a crucial component of financial planning as you want to ensure your loved ones are taken care of – this is an important conversation to have with a financial planner. There are many components of estate planning, including wills, life insurance, and trusts. Working with a trusted financial planner can help you prepare for the future and minimize estate taxes.” — Wade Stayzer, vice president sales and service at Meridian
41. Ask for help when you need it “Ask friends and family for any kind of help you might need. Do not be afraid to ask for that ride to the airport or help moving something in your home. And when life becomes overwhelming, seek the help of a mental health practitioner. Early intervention is key to effective treatment.” — Family psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts
42. Instil self-compassion “Learn to not be self-critical and demanding of ourselves and work daily to have a compassionate attitude towards ourselves. This means we become able to recognize that we are human and we all have limits, and through this realization we learn to accept ourselves unconditionally.” — Licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Maneet Bhatia
43. Give yourself permission to be human “You don’t have to be everything to everyone at the expense of yourself. Love of self is important.” — Psychologist Dr. Natasha Browne.
44. Start today “Wellness isn’t just a lifestyle, it’s a state of mind. Be present, and be a today person. Stop putting off your health and wellness goals, breakdown your big and small goals into daily achievable habits, and start today.”
— Wellness expert Anna He
45. Don’t say ‘yes’ to everything “A key component of reducing stress and maintaining our mental health is living a life of purpose and meaning. This involves engaging in experiences that are meaningful, purposeful, and connected to our authentic and genuine desires.” — Licensed clinical psychologist Dr. Maneet Bhatia
46. Practice self-care “Ensure that you take time to meet your needs, especially your emotional needs. This may include arranging sleepovers for your kids so you get a night to yourself or booking after-work refreshments with your favourite people. It is easy to neglect our own needs, and when we do that, it takes a big toll on our mental health.” — Family psychologist Dr. Jillian Roberts
47. Understand your value “Know the importance of your gifts and talents and identify who is worthy to receive them. Many times we are so giving of ourselves to others, in expectation that it will be reciprocated. However, at times we can be taken advantage of. Know the value of what you give onto others.” — Psychologist Dr. Natasha Browne.
48. Focus on who you want to be “Put a little energy into figuring out the kind of person you want to be and how you want to treat everyone at work, every day this month. Knowing your values and living them have never mattered more. Start with a broad think-through: What do you value in others? How do you want to be treated? You’re going to know and like yourself better, and you’ll put your professional talents on a foundation that won’t go unnoticed.” — Life coach John MacKay
49. Seek out positive people “Surround yourself with people who see the good in life and love to discover new ideas and places. We all have our difficulties, but do your best to associate with people who energize you, not people who drain your energy. When we focus on feeling grateful and seeing the best in others, amazing things can happen.” — Career coach Lee Weisser of Careers by Design
50. Make your posts pass the 20-year test “In our modern online age, it’s extremely easy to be rude. Part of the reason for that is that we don’t think about the long-term consequences of the little posts that make up our permanent digital footprint. The best way to prevent rudeness and encourage politeness is to take the 20-year test: Review your posts before you go live to make sure they reflect how you want people in 20 years to remember you.” — Etiquette and protocol expert Lisa Orr
51. Be selective “If there is one take away, this is it. The most important thing you can do to improve your chances is to carefully evaluate each job you’re applying for to ensure a good fit. When you find an attractive position, ask yourself, ‘Are you qualified for the job,’ and ‘Do you actually want to do this job?'” — Jodi Kasten, managing director at Indeed Canada
52. Take control of your brand “Find out what people say about you when you walk into a room and when the door closes behind you. Validate that ‘buzz’ about you against your vision. Adjust your words and actions to make sure that they are aligned to see your career vision come true.” — Etiquette expert Julie Blais Comeau
53. Don’t over-plan your career “Create a general career path, build relationships along that path, and yet be willing to accept opportunities even if it seems they may lead you down a different path. You will probably have at least three career pivots in your career.” — Career and communications coach Fiona Bryan
54. Narrow down your search “While it may feel like applying for lots of jobs increases your chances of getting a job, this is not necessarily the case. In fact, our research shows that people with the highest number of applications were 39 per cent less likely to receive a positive response from employers.” — Jodi Kasten, managing director at Indeed Canada
55. Invest in your people skills “At a time when employees are more educated than ever and in the era of globalization, they are your competitive edge. They establish your B.L.T.: Believability, Likability and Trustworthiness. The more confident and comfortable you are when interacting with others, the more you can shine and boost your business.” — Etiquette expert Julie Blais Comeau
56. Stretch yourself “Even if you are not searching for a new job, seek out opportunities to develop new skills, either in the workplace or in your outside activities. Volunteer positions are ideal places to learn leadership, organization, and communication skills. Or ask to take on a task at work that no one else seems to want but needs to be done. You are bound to develop both new skills and a new perspective on the organization and its goals.” — Career coach Lee Weisser of Careers by Design
57. Invest in yourself “You are the CEO of your career: you have to have patience, be persistent and always be aware of what value you bring to the world and then go market yourself.” — Career and communications coach Fiona Bryan
58. Be bold “Many people spend years thinking about a career change but don’t do anything about it. You deserve to have more happy Mondays. Ask yourself, ‘If I had all the courage I needed, what would I do?’ Courage is not fearlessness; it’s feeling the fear but being able to focus on the vision for the future instead of the obstacles. Get some help from a career professional to create a plan for a new career and put it into action.” — Career coach Lee Weisser of Careers by Design
59. Connect IRL “One of the best ways to improve your manners is to use them in real life, and that means going out into the world and interacting with others. Whether it’s saying ‘thank you’ to a taxi driver, having polite conversation with a cashier, or using proper table manners and tipping etiquette at a restaurant, the best way to build up your courtesy confidence is to put it into action.” — Etiquette and protocol expert Lisa Orr
61. Use oils in the kitchen “To sanitize your dishes, whether in your sink while hand washing or in your dishwasher, add five drops of therapeutic grade eucalyptus oil or tea tree oil to the dish detergent dispenser with the powder/tablet, or to your dish water along with dish soap.” — Melissa Maker of Clean My Space
62. Clear out your electronics graveyard “Properly dispose of useless, outdated or broken electronics.” — Marie Potter, marketing director of Professional Organizers in Canada
63. Keep a lint roller handy “Lint rollers can save the day when you’re in a pinch. Whether you have five minutes before guests arrive or just want to do a ‘cosmetic’ clean, use lint rollers on upholstery to remove lint and pet hair, caught debris from blankets and throws, and dust from lampshades.” — Melissa Maker of Clean My Space
65. There will be deals to the U.S. from Canada “We’re seeing flight prices drop in 2018 from Canada to many major U.S. cities, so if you’ve been holding off on a trip to visit the U.S., 2018 will be the year to head South.” — David Solomito, vice president of North American marketing at KAYAK.
66. Your passport “Don’t assume that a valid passport is all you will need to travel. These days many countries require three to six months validity after the date you are scheduled to leave their country. Some countries also require Canadian citizens to have a visa to enter their country. To ensure that you have the documents you need visit, enter the country you want to visit and check out the entry/exit requirements. If you are uncertain about the process or your eligibility to obtain a visa I recommend calling the embassy or consulate directly.” — Claire Newell, president of Travel Best Bets
67. Strategic line choosing “No one likes waiting in queues, but these are a part of travel. The majority of travellers are right-handed so head to the furthest left counter from the entrance. Fewer people choose that line as people gravitate to right hand counters to match their dominant writing hand. Soon you’ll be the first to make it through to baggage claim securing a handy front row spot.” — Nuno Guerreiro, regional manager for in Canada
68. Keep an eye out for deals to Europe in 2018 “Added routes to many major European cities from Canada beginning in 2018, combined with low cost carriers, may play a role in driving down flight prices.” — David Solomito, vice president of North American marketing at KAYAK.
69. Travel insurance “Travel insurance is hopefully something you don’t have to worry about while traveling, but it is certainly something you must sort out before you leave. Check any coverage you may have through a work policy or your credit card. Check the fine print for the amount of coverage you have to ensure it is enough. Also check any restrictions relating to activities you may want to do while traveling (skiing, climbing, scuba diving, etc.). Remember certain policies will be invalid if you are drunk or under the influence of drugs. And travel with your insurance documents and have the contact number in your phone.” — Claire Newell, president of Travel Best Bets
70. Turn off your phone “Turn off your phone and focus on the country you are in. Allow your brain to catch up to your new surroundings. As you put your phone away, promote calm by lightly running one or two fingers over your lips which promotes the ‘rest and digest’ response that calms the body down and acts like a brake to anxiety loops, promoting a calm and quieter mind.” — Nuno Guerreiro, regional manager for in Canada
71. Mind your health “Take charge of your own health when traveling. Be sure your Hep A and B and tetanus shots are up to date. Visit your doctor or a travel clinic to get any necessary vaccinations. Bring a medical kit to help you cope with common ailments like cold, flu, headaches, allergies and indigestion. Wash your hands wherever and whatever you eat, and carry hand sanitizer. To avoid mosquito bites, use lots of insect repellent. And make sure you buy travel medical insurance before you go on your trip.” — Claire Newell, president of Travel Best Bets
72. Make your travels feel like home “Whether you’re staying in an apartment, hostel, boat or even a treehouse, many travellers feel more relaxed making their accommodation like home. Bring comforting items with you like your favourite mascot, night time hot drink, personalized mug, own pillowcase, bedtime journal or a family photograph.” — Nuno Guerreiro, regional manager for in Canada
73. Maximize your workouts “The road to a leaner body isn’t a long, slow march. It’s bursts of high-intensity effort paired with slower, recovery efforts … 15 to 20 minutes of super intense short bursts of exercise can burn as many calories as an hour of traditional, steady-state cardio.” — Personal trainer Zehra Allibhai of The FitNest.
74. Change your language “Ban the words ‘skinny’ and ‘fat’ from your vocabulary … Neither of them do anything productive for your journey to self acceptance. If getting in shape is on your resolutions list, replace ‘weight loss’ goals with intentions like ‘getting fit,’ ‘feeling your best’ and ‘being the strongest you’ve ever been.'” — Trainer and boxing coach Caleigh Rykiss
75. Use the 10-minute rule “Make yourself do something — anything — for 10 minutes. Anyone can do anything for 10 minutes. The hardest part of exercising is finding the ignition energy to start. Once you start, you are more likely to just keep going for the full workout. If you stop, at least you have done something. Ten minutes daily adds up.” — Personal trainer and author Kathleen Trotter
76. Try a new workout “The best thing you can do to up the ante on your muscle tone, is diversifying your work out. Try ‘spring into rowing’ or ‘box and row.’ These classes are ideal to complement high impact outdoor winter sports like skiing, hiking or skating.” — Núcleo Fitness owner Marlene Kadin
79. Take up boxing “Boxing is also a proven way to increase focus and productivity as well as relieve stress. Multi-tasking workout for the win. Intimidated to try it? Don’t be. Boxing is good for all fitness levels and can be modified to be high or low intensity.” — Trainer and boxing coach Caleigh Rykiss
80. Don’t wish your way to better health “Make fitness goals not fitness wishes. Set yourself up for success by making realistic goals and having a plan. Of course you are too busy to work out if you don’t carve out time. Schedule your workouts, get a fitness buddy, and/or walk at lunch. Make healthy choices convenient (hard-boil eggs to grab for breakfast, lay out your gym clothes before bed), and make unhealthy choices utterly inconvenient (throw out Halloween candy).” — Personal trainer and author Kathleen Trotter
81. Listen to your body “It’s always letting us know through sometimes subtle signs if something is wrong. No one knows your body like you do, and it’s your responsibility to get the help you deserve.” — Model and body positivity activist Elly Mayday.
82. Harness your willpower “We only have a certain amount of willpower in any 24-hour period, the strongest being at the beginning of the day. This is because willpower depends on your energy supply, which is typically the deepest in the morning after sleep. If your schedule permits, set a goal to exercise in the morning when your energy is highest and your focus is deepest.” — Núcleo Fitness owner Marlene Kadin
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84. Change up your workout “Make sure your body never gets too used to your exercise routine. If that happens, you may notice diminishing strength gain results. So, to avoid this, switch up your exercises, how heavy you’re lifting, your tempo and your rep/set count of the exercise. You can even switch up what time of day you’re working out to.” — Personal trainer Zehra Allibhai of The FitNest.
85. Focus on the fundamentals “Focusing on the fundamental lifts, like the squat, deadlift and press, is the best way to radically improve your strength. Always ensure you make your workouts progressive by making it a point of increasing the load, the number of reps or the number of sets on a given exercise from workout to workout.” — Personal trainer Jennifer Lau of Fit Squad.
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86. Find your inner strength “There is a strength inside of you that you have not yet witnessed. It’s powerful, it’s strong and it will save you. Trust in it, even if you haven’t experienced it yet.” — Model and body positivity activist Elly Mayday.
87. Wear SPF year-round “Always apply sun protection, no matter what time of year. The proper order of application is sunscreen, moisturizer then makeup. Your sunscreen should have an SPF of 30 or higher. Remember to apply it to your face, neck and the backs of your hands as these areas are often exposed even when driving.” — Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Lisa Kellett
88. Exfoliate, exfoliate! “Do not underestimate the power of exfoliation! Regular microdermabrasion treatments are key to keeping our skin smooth and our facial products working at their best, as we slough off old skin and reveal new. Between airborne pollution, makeup, everyday stress and aging, our skin experiences a lot of damage that regular microdermabrasion can help combat.” — Gigi Harding, CEO of Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa Canada
89. Rethink your sleeping position “Your favourite night pose might be affecting your so-called beauty sleep, however, as sleep lines and wrinkles can become etched in after years of pressure from sleeping face down or on your side. If you are a stomach sleeper or side sleeper and are noticing unwanted lines on your face or chest, consider attempting to sleep on your back.” — Dermatologist and spokesperson for the Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada Dr. Marcie Ulmer
90. Take baths “In the winter months, baths are less drying than showers. When you get out, apply moisturizer to wet skin before drying off with a towel to increase its absorption.” — Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Lisa Kellett
91. Use those benefits “Make sure to use your workplace benefits. Many employee benefit plans include massage therapy services in their coverage of paramedical services. Massage therapy is consistently recognized as an effective intervention to the effects of stress, strain and pain. Make sure you take advantage of this wellness service each year before your benefits expire.” — Gigi Harding, CEO of Hand & Stone Massage and Facial Spa Canada
92. Always do a patch test “If you have sensitive skin and would like to try a new product on your face, consider applying a small amount to a limited area, like your lateral cheek in front of your ear, for a few days before applying it to your entire face to ensure your skin tolerates it.” — Dermatologist and spokesperson for the Acne and Rosacea Society of Canada Dr. Marcie Ulmer
93. Switch to a retinol “If a traditional vitamin A is too strong for you, use a retinol instead. It is still therapeutic, even at a concentration of 0.04 per cent, and it’s less likely to cause irritation. Retinols are helpful for both acne and aging skin.” — Cosmetic dermatologist Dr. Lisa Kellett
94. Do a beauty purge “For starters, cosmetics don’t have a very long shelf life. Lotions can go bad in less than six months if they aren’t stored properly or if the seal has been broken. So, put your miner’s helmet and get under your bathroom cupboard. Can’t decide what you need and what to throw out? Pretend you’re going on a trip or you’re stranded on an island: What products would you pack? We all have our basic necessities that put together our look every day. Beyond that it’s just excess.” — Beauty expert Cheryl Gushue
95. Colour code your closet “By organizing things by colour, it’ll make it much easier and faster to match two pieces together.” — Fashion and beauty blogger and founder of Persona Cosmetics Sona Gasparian
96. Add life to your wardrobe “Choose a fun print or bold colour that will freshen up your look, and make you feel chic and sassy. If you typically stay away from loud pieces, try elevating a classic look with unexpected details, like a white T-shirt with ruffle sleeves or subtly embroidered denim.” — Yorkdale Shopping Centre marketing director Mina Barbuto
97. Is it time for a new you? “We all get used to doing the same makeup look without considering the fact that we are aging. Making a beauty change is as simple as booking a professional makeup artist for a lesson. It’s a good idea to have a new perspective from someone who can share a few simple pro tips. This will also help you purge your makeup products that you either never use because you don’t know how or shouldn’t really have been using to begin with.” — Beauty expert Cheryl Gushue
98. Carve out an area where you can style outfits “I have a clothing rack where I style new pieces with older pieces from my closet. I sometimes style a few outfits so that I don’t have to think about what to wear in the morning. This saves so much time when getting ready in the morning.” — Fashion and beauty blogger and founder of Persona Cosmetics Sona Gasparian
99. Create ready-to-go outfits “Pull everything out of your closet and lay it on your bed in categories like shirts, pants, skirts, dresses, etc. Honestly ask yourself if you’ll wear each item of clothing, and discard anything that doesn’t make the cut. Then categorize your closet in sections: work, going out, black tie and casual weekend. You can create outfits and hang them up on single or double hangers. In no time, you’ll have a closet full of great outfits at your finger tips.” — Beauty expert Cheryl Gushue
100. Update your accessories “This is the easiest and most cost-effective way to stylize your wardrobe. Trends are constantly changing and accessories are the perfect way to stay up-to-date without breaking the bank. Pair oversized earrings with a basic T-shirt, sport a bag with fringe or try mirrored sunglasses to polish off your summer look.” — Yorkdale Shopping Centre marketing director Mina Barbuto
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Graphics by Michael Collins.