Global News has projected Conservative Bob Benzen has won Calgary Heritage.
The Calgary Heritage riding is south of Calgary Centre, comprising a section of land east of 37 Street Southwest and west of Macleod Trail and stretching down to Spruce Meadows Trail.
The Conservative Party’s Benzen was elected to represent the Calgary Heritage riding in 2019 with over 69 per cent of the vote, with the Liberal Party’s Scott Forsyth receiving less than 15 per cent.
Benzen has held the seat since the 2017 byelection.

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Calgary Heritage is home to 112,087 residents and 82,059 registered voters. Immigrants make up about 30 per cent of this riding. Popular origin countries include the Philippines, China and the U.K.
The top industries in this riding include service and retail, with close to 62 per cent of residents having some form of postsecondary certification.
Conservative Party: Bob Benzen (incumbent)
People’s Party: Bailey Bedard
Parti Rhinocéros Party: Mark Dejewski
Liberal Party: Scott Forsyth
Maverick Party: Annelise Freeman
NDP: Kathleen M. Johnson
Green Party: Malka Labell