
Ontario reports 112 new coronavirus cases, 1 death; total cases near 42,200

Click to play video: 'Coronavirus: Ontario government announces rent freeze'
Coronavirus: Ontario government announces rent freeze
WATCH ABOVE: The Ontario government has announced plans to freeze rent next year for most residential properties across the province. That could mean more money for families who could use the relief amid the COVID-19 pandemic, but as Albert Delitala reports, some say the plan misses its mark – Aug 29, 2020

Ontario reported 112 new cases of the novel coronavirus on Sunday, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 42,195.

The province has now reported 100 or more COVID-19 cases for nine of the last 10 days.

Sunday’s report is down from Saturday, however, which saw 148 new cases.

“Locally, 29 of Ontario’s 34 public health units are reporting five or fewer cases, with 17 reporting no new cases,” Health Minister Christine Elliott said on Twitter.

Thirty-five cases are from Toronto, 27 from Peel Region, and 16 from Ottawa.

A total of 38,204 cases are considered resolved which is over 90 per cent of all confirmed cases.

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Nearly 25,000 additional tests have been conducted. The province has now completed a total of 2,941,245 tests.

One new death was also announced on Sunday, bringing the provincial death toll to 2,810.

A total of 51 people are hospitalized with the virus (same as Saturday), with 20 in intensive care (up by three) and 10 on a ventilator (up by five).

The province notes that not all hospitals have reported patient statuses for Aug. 28 — as is often the case on weekends — likely causing the reported number of hospitalizations to be lower than it actually is.

The newly reported numbers are valid as of 2 p.m. Saturday for Toronto, Ottawa and London and 4 p.m. for the rest of the province.

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Here is a breakdown of Ontario’s cases by age and gender:

  • 19,751 people are male
  • 22,146 people are female
  • 2,777 people are 19 and under
  • 13,229 people are 20 to 39
  • 12,558 people are 40 to 59
  • 7,529 people are 60 to 79
  • 6,097 people are 80 and over

The province notes that not all cases have a reported age or gender.

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According to the Ministry of Long-Term Care, there have been 1,848 deaths reported among residents and patients in long-term care homes across Ontario, which is the same as in recent days. There are currently nine outbreaks in long-term care homes.

There are no active cases among long-term care residents and 19 among staff.

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