
Man charged with sexual assault banned from Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory

Tyendinaga police escorted Brant Maracle, a man charged with two counts of sexual assault, off of Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory after the band council decided he could no longer reside in the area. Shawn Brant / Facebook

A Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory man was escorted off the territory by police earlier this month after being charged with sexual assault.

On March 1, Belleville police arrested Brant Maracle and charged him with two counts of sexual assault.

Police say he was initially held for a bail hearing but was released.

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On March 15, Tyendinaga police officers found Maracle and informed him that he could no longer reside on the territory.

Police Chief Jason Brant said that police told Maracle he needed to leave, adding that the escort was necessary because there was an angry mob waiting for Maracle outside his home.

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Brant said the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council issued a band council resolution stating that Maracle could no longer trespass on the territory. Brant continued, saying this resolution allows Tyendinaga police to stop Maracle and escort him off the territory.

Chief R. Donald Maracle of the Tyendinaga Mohawk Council did not respond to a request for comment.

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