
Musqueam Indian Band and YVR Airport reach sustainability agreement

Michelle Morton/CKNW

The Musqueam Indian Band is excited for the future following a new sustainability and friendship agreement with Vancouver International Airport.

The agreement includes an education to employment path for the Musqueam Indian Band, with YVR also funding 10 scholarships a year.

“[It was] really important for us to get the scholarships. In Musqueam we have over 270 of our community members who are waiting to go to post-secondary,” says Chief Wayne Sparrow.

“One of the main points that we negotiated in the agreement was to have the opportunity for scholarships, to get our band members qualified so they can sit side-by-side with some of the more important jobs.”

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YVR President Craig Richmond says one per cent of gross revenue will be shared with the Musqueam – that’s an estimated $5-million this year.

“[It]brings a whole education to employment idea through apprenticeships and scholarships and we need really good people at the airport, it’s [going to] be fun to have them come, the Musqueam. It’s arts and culture, it’s a way for us to engage moving forward on development.”
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The 30-year long deal will also focus on protecting the environment together.

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