
Highlights of the NDP and Green party deal in B.C.

FILE PHOTO: B.C. Green party leader Andrew Weaver and B.C. NDP leader John Horgan at Legislature in Victoria, B.C., on May 29, 2017.
FILE PHOTO: B.C. Green party leader Andrew Weaver and B.C. NDP leader John Horgan at Legislature in Victoria, B.C., on May 29, 2017. THE CANADIAN PRESS/Chad Hipolito

VICTORIA – Some of the key elements of a deal between the NDP and Green party on a minority government in British Columbia:

— The legislature would be recalled within one month of the swearing in of an NDP government.

— A referendum on proportional representation will take place in the fall of 2018, concurrent with the next municipal elections in the province.

— If it is approved, proportional representation would be used in the next provincial election.

READ MORE: B.C. NDP caucus meets to ratify deal to govern

— The parties agree to work together in good faith to consult British Columbians to determine the form of proportional representation that will be put to a referendum.

— The NDP and Greens will actively campaign in support of the system of proportional representation that is agreed on.

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— Legislation would be introduced in the first sitting of the legislature to ban corporate and union donations and contributions from non-residents of British Columbia to the province’s political parties, as well as placing limits on individual contributions and conduct a review of campaign finance and the Elections Act.

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— The fixed election date would be moved from May to a date in the fall, starting in 2021.

— Implement an increase to the current $30-dollar per tonne carbon tax by $5 a tonne per year, beginning April 1, 2018, while giving rebate cheques to ensure a majority of taxpayers are better off financially than under the current carbon tax formula.

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— Immediately refer the Site C hydroelectic dam construction project to the B.C. Utilities Commission to determine its economic viability.

— Employ every tool available to the new government to stop the expansion of Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain pipeline, which has already received federal approval.

— Set up an arm’s-length commission that will be tasked with “establishing a pathway” to a minimum wage of at least $15 per hour and overseeing regular rate reviews.

— Create an emerging economy task force to address the changing nature of business over the next 10 to 25 years.

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— Establish an commission to support innovation and business development in the technology sector, and appoint a commissioner with a mandate to advocate on behalf of the province’s technology sector in Ottawa and abroad.

— In its first budget, the NDP would develop a proposal to implement an essential drugs program, designed to reduce the costs of prescription drugs and ensure the cost of drugs is not a barrier to health management.

— Invest in home care to enable seniors and other people who need assistance to stay in their own homes.

— Appoint a minister of mental health and addictions to develop and implement a mental-health and addiction strategy and a youth mental-health strategy.

— Develop an immediate response to the fentanyl crisis based on successful programs that invest in treatment-on-demand, drug substitution, early-warning monitoring systems, and a co-ordinated response to overdoses.

— Implement an agreed upon approach to improving access and reducing the cost of post-secondary education for students.

— Invest in childcare and early childhood education to improve quality, expand spaces, increase affordability and ensure childcare is accessible for all families, with a focus on early childhood education.

— Eliminate medical service premiums.

— Make housing more affordable by taking action to deal with the speculation and fraud that the NDP and Greens say is driving up prices.


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