“Using a protected title is a privilege—not a right,” the BC College of Nurses and Midwives said in a warning to its members who may be thinking about speaking out against public health orders.
“There have been numerous media reports over the past days and weeks regarding activities of BCCNM registrants who participate, organize, or agitate against public health orders in place to deal with COVID-19,” the college said in a message posted to its website.

“We want to assure registrants and the public that we are working with our partners in the health care system, including the Ministry of Health, and are taking steps to address such reports.”
The college said it has legal tools at its disposal to ensure no individual misuses their registered title or practises nursing or midwifery without current registration. It can also restrain individuals from using any of the protected titles when they are not lawfully allowed to do so, and restrain individuals from the unauthorized practice of nursing and/or midwifery.
Nurse, registered nurse, registered psychiatric nurse, licensed practical nurse, nurse practitioner and midwife are all protected titles, meaning only BCCNM registrants have the right and privilege to use these titles in British Columbia.

“BCCNM registrants are free to voice their own opinions in a lawful manner but are not entitled to use a protected title to spread misinformation,” the statement said. “BCCNM can and will take action against registrants whose use of title poses a risk to the public or could bring the profession of nursing or midwifery into disrepute.”
As of last week, 3,325 health-care workers have been put on leave due to COVID-19 vaccination requirements and the college issued the warning in the wake of clinics being opened by unvaccinated nurses who have left their jobs as vaccination mandates came in.

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One such facility opened and closed in Kamloops in a matter of days. Just days after opening, the controversial health clinic has been evicted from its storefront location.
The Ezra Wellness Clinic was being set up by a group of nurses who are now on unpaid leave from their jobs after refusing to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
It was operating as a private clinic and, as of right now, services were free and nurses were volunteering their time. This week the property owner says after vetting the group’s application, they cannot approve the lease.