
New Brunswick reports 9 new cases of COVID-19, confirms case at a school

Jennifer Sinco Kelleher / AP Photo

New Brunswick reported nine new cases of COVID-19 on Friday and confirmed a positive case at Cité Des Jeunes A.-M.-Sormany in Edmundston.

Public health said all nine cases are in Zone 4 (Edmundston region).

All but one of the cases are contacts of a previously confirmed case. The other one is under investigation.

READ MORE: New Brunswick reports 10 new COVID-19 cases, confirms outbreak at special care home

On Thursday, public health advised of a positive case of COVID-19 at Cité Des Jeunes A.-M.-Sormany and the school community has been notified.

“As the school is located in Zone 4, which is in the Red level, testing of school staff will be carried out over the next three days,” the province said in a statement.

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If an individual has been in close contact with this case, public health said they will be notified for contact tracing.

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Public health is also reminding New Brunswickers to wear a mask, wash their hands and keep practicing physical distancing over the Easter long weekend.

For those in the red level of Zone 4, stick to your one household bubble, said the province.

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People in the yellow level zones are being asked to keep their close contacts to a minimum.

“Anyone who is sick or has any COVID-19 symptoms should not participate in gatherings,” said public health.

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The number of confirmed cases in New Brunswick is 1,632. Since Thursday, three people have recovered for a total of 1,454 recoveries.

There have been 30 deaths, and the number of active cases is 147. Ten patients are hospitalized including five in an intensive care unit.

On Thursday, 1,346 tests were conducted for a total of 259,413.

“Admissions to hospitals and intensive care units in our province are continuing to increase,” said Dr. Jennifer Russell, chief medical officer of health. “While they are manageable now, it will take everyone’s ongoing commitment and efforts to keep them from continuing to rise.”

According to the province, no travel is recommended in and out of Zone 4 except when necessary, such as for medical appointments. This recommendation includes no travel to hockey games or other sporting events in other zones.

Residents of the Saint-Jacques sector of the city of Edmundston are also being asked to self-monitor for symptoms until April 9.

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