
Ontario reports 1,489 new coronavirus cases, 22 more deaths

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Coronavirus: Ontario to announce phased economic reopening plans next week, sources say
WATCH ABOVE: Senior officials tell Global News plans to reopen portions of the economy in Ontario could be outlined as early as Monday. Business experts say the move is necessary in order to keep the economy alive, as so much has already been put in jeopardy. Katherine Ward reports. – Feb 6, 2021

Ontario reported 1,489 cases of the novel coronavirus Sunday, bringing the total number of cases in the province to 278,207.

“Locally, there are 517 new cases in Toronto, 261 in Peel and 121 in York Region,” Health Minister Christine Elliott said.

A total of 256,903 COVID-19 cases are considered resolved, which is up by 1,937 and is 92.3 per cent of all known cases.

Twenty-two additional deaths were also reported on Sunday, bringing the provincial death toll to 6,505.

Nearly 51,700 additional tests were completed. Ontario has now completed a total of 10,026,022 tests and 16,539 remain under investigation.

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The province indicated that the positivity rate for the last day was 2.8 per cent, which is up from Saturday’s report, when it was 2.6 per cent, and is down from last Sunday’s report when it was 3.7 per cent.

There have been 174 confirmed cases of the U.K. B.1.1.7 variant in Ontario and one confirmed case of the South African B.1.351 variant.

Provincial figures showed there are 926 people hospitalized with the virus (down by 95), with 335 in intensive care (up by 10), 233 of whom are on a ventilator (up by five).

However, the province noted that more than 10 per cent of hospitals did not submit their daily bed census for Sunday’s report — as is often the case on weekends — possibly causing the reported number of hospitalizations to be lower than it actually is.

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Here is a breakdown of Ontario’s cases by age and gender:

  • 136,135 people are male
  • 140,456 people are female
  • 36,394 people are 19 and under
  • 101,692 people are 20 to 39
  • 80,468 people are 40 to 59
  • 40,167 people are 60 to 79
  • 19,435 people are 80 and over
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The province notes that not all cases have a reported age or gender.

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The province also notes that the number of cases publicly reported each day may not align with case counts reported by the local public health unit on a given day. Local public health units report when they were first notified of a case, which can be updated and changed as information becomes available. Data may also be pulled at different times.

According to the Ministry of Long-Term Care, there have been 3,659 deaths reported among residents and patients in long-term care homes across Ontario, which is an increase of five. There are currently 208 outbreaks in long-term care homes, 117 of which are reported to have no resident cases.

There are 521 active cases among long-term care residents and 684 among staff.

As of 8 p.m. Saturday, 379,184 COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered in Ontario, which is up by 6,518. So far, 101,744 people have received both required doses of either the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines.

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