
Visit a Mosque campaign aimed at combating Islamophobia

In an effort to combat Islamophobia and better educate people, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at launched its Visit a Mosque campaign on Tuesday. Sean Lerat-Stetner / Global News

In an effort to combat Islamophobia and better educate people, Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at launched a Canada-wide campaign called Visit a Mosque.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Regina chapter is one of 25 mosques across the country, and opened its doors on Tuesday, giving people the chance to meet their Muslim neighbours.

The campaign aims to build bridges, teach people about the Muslim faith and dispel misconceptions.

“One of the major misconceptions that we have seen or heard is that Islam is a violent religion that has even spread across social media, but the fact of the matter is Islam is a peaceful religion,” Regina-based Imam Zeeshan Ahmed said.

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“Islam, itself, means peace.”

Last week at two mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand, 50 people were killed after a gunman opened fire during prayer.

Tuesday was a chance for people to show their support in a time of grievance and to better understand what can be done to fight Islamophobia.

“Words of solidarity are appreciated and a good first step. However, we need to do more,” Ahmed said.

“In addition to thoughts and prayers, please take a concrete step, use your influence with friends, family and politicians alike and let the will of the majority, peace, loving people prevail.”

For the nearest Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at mosque visit

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