
Gastown’s iconic steam clock gets a temporary replacement

Sergio Magro, Global News

There is a new addition in Vancouver’s historic Gastown neighbourhood.

The Make It Rain statue was designed to temporarily fill the void left by the steam clock, which has been removed for repairs in October.

The 27-foot tall piece of public art was created by local architects and is covered entirely in a mirror-like material that reflects street life as it passes by.

Just like the iconic clock, the tower also uses steam. The tower harnesses the steam from the vent and releases it through its skin to create a cloud of vapour near the summit.

The necessary $19,500 to construct and install the statue were raised on Kickstarter in a campaign that wrapped up on Nov.21.

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The statue will remain at Vancouver’s most photographed street corner – at Water and Cambie Street — until mid-January when the steam clock is scheduled to return.

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