
Orchard area at Kelowna’s Gellatly Nut Farm park closes for deer fawning season

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Gellatly Nut Farm Orchard closed for fawns
The Gellatly Nut Farm is asking people to stay out of the orchard area for the time being to allow space for does and their new fawns. – Jun 2, 2024

Officials have closed the Orchard area of Gellatly Nut Farm Regional Park in Kelowna to the public to allow space for does and their new fawns.

The partial closure is temporary, however, and the rest of the park remains open.

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Signs have been posted on all entrances of the park noting a ‘Deer Alert’ along with information about what to do if you encounter a deer.

This is the season in B.C. where does are fawning, and many are having babies in urban areas. Conservation officers are reminding people to keep their dogs on leashes and to leave fawns alone.


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