
Kelowna Muslims speak out about Ottawa shooting

MPs seek shelter, safety following shootings on Parliament Hill. Global News

KELOWNA — The Kelowna Islamic Centre is reacting to Wednesday’s attack in Ottawa that resulted in the death of a Canadian soldier.

The shooter has been identified as Michael Zehaf-Bideau — reported to be a recent Muslim convert.

In an email to Global Okanagan, the Islamic Centre of Kelowna condemns the attack saying the incident has nothing to do with the Muslim faith.

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“I can understand and appreciate often people’s feelings that: ‘Oh we need to defend Islam again’ whereas I would rather express my feelings a bit differently,” says spokesman, Hamid Butt. “We don’t have to defend Islam rather our focus should be to educate (the) community at large that these types of incidents are sad indeed and has nothing to do with Islam.”

Butt says he feels that Muslims are being singled out and misrepresented in the media.

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“I strongly believe that we can fight this unfair battle of misrepresenting Islam with education and demonstration of true Islamic teachings – living in peace and harmony.”

Butt says true Muslims are law abiding citizens of Canada.

“I am a proud Canadian Muslim and condemn all such acts of violence regardless of its location and who conducts it. It is absolutely wrong and unjustifiable in any circumstances.”

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