
American pilot crashes in Quebec forest and survives

American pilot Matt Lehtinen's Cirrus-SR22. Matt Lehtinen / Youtube

American pilot Matt Lehtinen was flying over Quebec on July 27 when his Cirrus-SR22 plane crashed.

Lehtinen was able to pull the caps parachute when he suddenly lost oil pressure mid-flight.

READ MORE: Pilot deploys parachute moments before plane crash in Quebec

The pilot posted a video on YouTube on Aug. 2 documenting his experience to educate others.

The video shows Lehtinen scrambling to get a fire started while attempting to fight off bugs in the middle of the forest in Northern Quebec.

“This is just surreal. Look at the force — split the door right in half which, of course, allowed me to go out through the grace of God,” Lehtinen says in the video.

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A visibly choked up Lehtinen tells the camera that he got the news from his father and his “SOS phone” that his smoke signals worked and help was on the way.

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The video shows the pilot getting rescued by members of the Royal Canadian Air Force and flying back to safer grounds.

The American wrote at the end of the video, “Thank you to the service members of the Canadian Royal Air Force, Mounted Police, law enforcement, search and rescue, air traffic control and Nav Canada. You are my heroes, and you saved my life. Sincerely, A Grateful American.”

READ MORE: Rescuers find body of pilot over northwestern Quebec

Early Sunday morning, Lehtinen posted another video on YouTube in which he is shown sitting in an Indianapolis airport with his family waiting to board his flight to Montreal. The pilot is also seen thanking people on the internet for their support and kind words. He says he plans to post update videos on the whole experience.


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