There’s little doubt Canada has the reputation of being one of the best countries in the world to live in. The same can be said about science in this nation. For over a century, Canadian scientists have been making discoveries that have changed the world. We’ve even had our fair share of Nobel Prize winners.
Having a reputation in the scientific community is one thing, but nothing beats having a voice on Parliament Hill. On this week’s Super Awesome Science Show, we’re joined by Canada’s first-ever minister of science, the Honourable Kirsty Duncan. There was no one better for the position because before she was making her mark in the House of Commons, she was changing the world with her research.
We first discuss her past as a researcher and professor and explore some of her discoveries in medical geography. While we’ve heard of the issues with climate change and health, Duncan was finding the links. Her explorations eventually led her to dig deep into influenza research but instead of the lab, her work environment was permafrost. Her journeys are now detailed in her book, Hunting the 1918 Flu: One Scientist’s Search for a Killer Virus.
We next move away from the research environment into the political realm, where she has made similar waves. As the member of Parliament for the riding of Etobicoke North, she has continued to represent not only her constituents but also the wider scientific community. We learn about her journey since 2015 in the hopes of making Canada a recognized world leader in science.
In our SASS Class, Duncan looks to the future of science in Canada. She wants this country to be a homing beacon for both homegrown and international minds and reveals her excitement and passion for the younger generation. She also reveals that we are all scientists and why we should all care about being curious.
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Twitter: @JATetro
The Honourable Kirsty Duncan
Minister of Science and Sport
Twitter: @KirstyDuncanMP
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