
Blocking extradition of Meng Wanzhou would set ‘dangerous precedent’: Freeland

Click to play video: 'Canada has followed extradition treaty commitments  with Meng Wanzhou, says Freeland'
Canada has followed extradition treaty commitments with Meng Wanzhou, says Freeland
When it comes to the extradition request around China's Meng Wanzhou, Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland says Canada has abided by extradition treaty commitments and will follow the rule of law, on June 13 in D.C – Jun 13, 2019

Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland on Thursday dismissed a suggestion that Ottawa block the extradition of a top executive from China’s Huawei to the United States, saying it would set a dangerous precedent.

Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou, who was arrested on U.S. fraud charges in Vancouver last December, will challenge Washington’s extradition request at hearings that are set to begin next January.

READ MORE: Huawei accuses U.S. of political motivation as hearing date set for extradition of CFO Meng Wanzhou

China angrily demanded Canada release Meng and detained two Canadians on spying charges. It has also blocked imports of Canadian canola seed and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has said he fears further retaliation.

The Globe and Mail newspaper on Thursday said former prime minister Jean Chretien had floated the idea of the government intervening to stop the extradition case and thereby improve ties with Beijing. Freeland rejected that idea when asked about it by reporters on Thursday.

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WATCH BELOW: Pence says U.S. won’t withdraw extradition request for Huawei CFO as 2 Canadians remain detained

Click to play video: 'Pence says U.S. won’t withdraw extradition request for Huawei CFO as 2 Canadians remain detained'
Pence says U.S. won’t withdraw extradition request for Huawei CFO as 2 Canadians remain detained

“When it comes to Ms. Meng there has been no political interference … and that is the right way for extradition requests to proceed,” Freeland told a televised news conference in Washington.

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“It would be a very dangerous precedent indeed for Canada to alter its behavior when it comes to honoring an extradition treaty in response to external pressure.”

Freeland also said to do so could make Canadians around the world less safe.

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Canadian officials say they see no prospect of relations with China improving until Meng’s future is resolved.

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Trudeau said last week he would look at whether it was “appropriate or desirable” to seek a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping on the sidelines of a Group of 20 summit in Japan later this month.

Trudeau plans to visit Washington for talks on June 20 which will address the case of the two detained Canadians.

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