It’s early into the new year, which means most people’s New Year’s resolutions are still on track.
“One of the most important things to do is set realistic and specific goals and hold yourself accountable to them,” says registered dietitian Andy De Santis. “Different things will help different people but one great thing you can do is share your goals and ambitions with those closest to you.”
Not only will this help you create a support and encouragement system, but it will also hold you accountable.
“You should also always keep your mind on all of the benefits and positive outcomes associated with whatever your goal may be.”
And while a support network might keep you on track to your goals, you may still need an extra push.
Below are some trending, new and highly-rated apps that will help keep your New Year’s resolutions on track.
Paralign: Aligning Thoughts
If one of your resolutions for 2018 includes being more mindful, this app is for you. Paralign is designed to track your thoughts and mood, and on top of that, it connects you with users who may be going through similar thought patterns.
The app also includes inspiring quotes and guided meditation.

If you’re planning to run your first marathon this year or just need a new way of staying motivated, this app will get you moving. Tracks allows you to run while listening to different action-themed soundtracks, including 15 episodes of “Growler” stories. Stories range from dodging bullets to escaping a monster chasing you.
The app also includes a coach, training missions, a pedometer and GPS tracker, as well as options for walking and cycling.

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YAZIO Calorie Counter
Anyone trying to lose, gain or maintain their weight has used some type of calorie counting app. Yazio includes a personal weight loss plan, fitness tracker, as well as a calorie catalog of more than two million food items.
If you upgrade to the Pro version of the app, you will be able to access nutrition plans, recipes and food ratings.
READ MORE: Love it or hate it, people will still be using apps to date in 2018
It’s a new year, which means your to-do list is at an all-time high. Loop helps your track your habits and the app’s graphs and statistics allows you to see how much you’ve progressed over the year.
Track everything from how often you exercise, pack a lunch or even spend time offline.
This app is only available for Android.
Sleep Better
Getting better sleep should be on everyone’s priority list for 2018, and Sleep Better by Runtastic will track and monitor your snooze time simply by “sleeping” next to you in bed.
The app features a smart alarm that will wake you up at the ideal time (depending on your sleeping patterns), and a section where you can write down your dreams.
READ MORE: How to get better sleep in 2018
Designed for students or anyone taking on a new learning challenge, Quizlet helps you practice with flashcards and quizzes. The app has a learn, write and match feature which allows you to practice and master your skill. Subjects on the app include biology, social studies, vocabulary, as well as more than 18 foreign languages.
Peak: Brain Training
If your phone addiction isn’t getting any better, at least put it to good use. If 2018 means challenging your brain and spending less time on social media, Peak is the ultimate brain training app.
Featuring more than 40 games, you can challenge your memory, attention span, problem solving skills, language and emotional control. You can also compare your scores with other friends on the app.
READ MORE: Addicted to your phone? Here’s how to fix that in 2018
Do you have a good grip on your spending habits? Chance are, it can probably be better. Monefy tracks your spending habits. All you have to do is simply put in the expense and add it to a category.
View your spending on a daily, weekly or monthly basis. Overtime, the app will create reports on how much you’re spending in each category.
The app also allows you to add in your bi-weekly salary, as well as any savings you have on the side, so you can balance these against on your spending habits.