Editor’s note: This story has been updated to say most Calgary municipal candidates who have declared a position favour flouride.
The majority of city council candidates who have declared a position favor fluoridation of water, said new information released by Calgarians for Kids’ Health.
The grassroots group said the result of extensive polling of candidates before and after the campaign show 64 per cent of those who responded would like to see fluoride back in Calgary water.
In an email to Global News Oct. 10, Calgarians for Kids’ Health said 28 of 85 candidates have not declared a position on flouride, but of those who had, the majority were in support of adding flouride to Calgary’s drinking water.

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Fluoridation in Calgary’s water has been a source of contention for decades.
The last time that it was reinstated was in 1999, only to be discontinued again in 2011.
There was a motion put forward to revisit the debate in 2016 but it was voted down.
WATCH: Three Calgary city councilors say new research shows Calgary kids are suffering since fluoride was removed five years ago. As Tony Tighe explains they want the issue reopened, again.

Calgarians for Kids’ Health is comprised of dental specialists, pediatricians and concerned citizens.
In a new release, it said that fluoridation strengthens tooth structure, interrupts bacterial growth and repairs early decay.
READ MORE: Calgary group urges voters to elect pro-fluoridation candidates
The City of Calgary’s website said that fluoride still naturally occurs in the Bow and Elbow rivers and that most Canadians are exposed to fluoride daily through foods.
Calgarians for Kids’ Health said it will release the full results from its polling on Oct. 14.