The very idea of venturing out into the deep woods of Northern Vancouver Island — all alone — is enough to make even the most seasoned outdoorsman quiver in his galoshes.
But that’s precisely what seven teams of two did for this season of Alone on History: each duo was separated from their loved one and dropped off miles apart from each other, and it’s one partner’s responsibility to make his/her way to the other. The stationary team member starts setting up camp and amassing resources while the other one hacks through the thick, savage wilderness.
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Once they find each other (only two teams so far have accomplished this), the pair must work together to survive the longest. That means dealing with roaming bears, wolves and mountain lions, having to forage for their own sustenance and having to deal with one another on a constant basis. (Did we mention it rains practically 99 per cent of the time? And we’re talking constant deluge.) The last team standing wins $500,000.
Global News chatted with Toronto brothers Jim and Ted Baird (aged 35 and 32, respectively, and the only Canadians of the bunch) about their rough journey into the bush, and how even for very experienced outdoorsmen, this was an incredibly tough ordeal.
Global News: Being on Alone takes a certain kind of person. What made you want to sign up for this?
Ted Baird: It’s been in our blood ever since we were tiny babies. Our parents would bring us out to our family’s cabin that our grandfather and our dad built. They’d bring us out in the boat in the hammering rain. We’ve become slowly accustomed to… subject to little bits of suffering over time that make it something we enjoy and look forward to. It gives it a sense of adventure and excitement.
When Jim and I are faced with a really terrible situation, like we’re up to our chests in mud, it’s pouring rain… sometimes we just look around and burst into laughter. We always ask ourselves how we get into those situations, but we couldn’t pass this one up.
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Jim: I just started laughing. I’m just like “What the f**k have I gotten myself into?” [Laughs] How am I here? How is this happening to me right now? It was such a bag of mixed emotions. It was so cool, so exciting to be shooting a show, but then a crazy mission is in front of me.
Jim: Ted’s actually scared of the dark, and that’s one of our main issues… [Laughs]
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Jim: It’s a little traumatizing to be out there for so long. There are all these emotions and the hunger wears on you. I feel like I definitely hate Ted more than ever… [Laughs] just kidding! We are a lot closer. I think about Ted and I think, “We’ve been through all this stuff together, this show, this experience, and I have so much more respect and love for the guy after it all. Even though we almost killed each other a couple times out there.
Ted: Awwwww. That’s why Jim, out of seven billion people, would have been my No. 1 pick.

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After you’ve lived this experience, what do you think is the No. 1 most essential tool for Alone?
Jim: I think the skill definitely is… and it’s one that our ancestors had to have to survive… is the skill of being able to endure with tons of misery. On YouTube, they’re practicing bow drills, fires, flints, primitive skills, that’s great; but it’s more important to be able to deal with misery, cold, crappiness, being starving, slogging on mentally and physically even though everything sucks. That’s the best survival skill of all, and you can’t read up on how to do it.
Ted: I agree. One of the biggest things here is not giving up, telling yourself encouraging words, picking yourself up… it’s real experience in these situations that can’t be learned in a backyard or a class. It’s exposure. I would liken it to someone preparing for the Olympics or the triathlon — there’s a huge mental discipline as well as the physical. Your mental memory needs to be trained and exercised just as much, if not more, than your body.
I know that’s not as juicy as practicing your roundhouse, but I think it’s real.
‘Alone’ airs on History on Thursdays at 10 p.m. ET.