Menezes claims the other officer, Samaras, never tried to stop Trudeau or help him.

While in the back of the cop car, Menezes said Trudeau hurled racial and sexual slurs at him.

The cops took him on a so-called “starlight tour,” driving him around the city, then dumping him in Montreal North at 3 a.m., leaving him alone.

Menezes said he had bruises on his face and a swollen ankle from being roughed up.

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He went to the Centre for Research-Action on Race Relations (CRARR) for help.

“They inferred that someone like him can be raped in prison,” said CRARR executive-director Fo Niemi.

“They called him an f—ing Indian. It borders on both physical and psychological torture. It’s something you see on American T.V., but when you know it happens in your own city, then I think it’s very serious.”

Menezes said he feels some satisfaction in the Human Rights Commision’s decision to fine the officers and the city $40,000.

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He admitted he lost faith in the police force after what happened.

“It hurt. It hurts. Growing up in Canada, I never really saw myself as being different from other people,” said Menezes.

“I felt that I was a full citizen, I was fully Canadian and to hear that you aren’t, OK, you aren’t appreciated, you aren’t one of us, that is how I felt.”

READ MORE: Montreal’s officer 728 charged with assault

Officer Trudeau has since been disavowed by the Montreal police force.

She was found guilty of assault last year and the police ethics commissioner has cited her before the committee for numerous violations, including illegal detention and arrest, use of racial slurs, mistreatment and negligence regarding the health and safety of Menezes.

READ MORE: Montreal’s officer 728 faces reduced charge

The commission cited Officer Samaras for failing to intervene to stop Trudeau’s actions.

The city and the two officers have until Friday to respond to the ruling.

If they challenge it, the case will be referred to Quebec’s Human Rights Tribunal.
