
Kelowna gets grant money for bicycling improvement projects

Rails to Trails Cyclist. Global News

KELOWNA – Provincial grant money is coming to Kelowna for cycling and pedestrian infrastructure improvements.

The BikeBC program will contribute $360,000 for separated bike lanes between DeHart and McClure Roads along the Lakeshore Avenue Active Transportation Corridor.

A further $100,000 goes to signage to guide users to and from phase two of the Rails with Trails path.

BikeBC is a cost sharing program with municipal and regional governments for projects to promote bicycle use.

“These dollars continue to expand alternative transportation options for Kelowna residents and help build healthier communities,” stated Kelowna-Mission Liberal MLA Steve Thomson in a news release.

This year, about $3.7 million in BikeBC funding is going to 20 communities for 22 projects.

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