
Saskatoon third among Canadian cities for violent gun crime in 2012

Saskatoon ranked third among Canadian cities for violent gun crime in 2012; Saskatchewan ranked first for provinces. File / Global News

OTTAWA – A new report out Wednesday put Saskatoon near the top of the list in Canada when it came to police-reported violent gun crime in 2012.

Statistics Canada says there were 38 victims in the city per 100,000 population for firearm-related violent crimes.

Halifax was listed first and Moncton, N.B. second. Regina was listed in 11th with a 19.7 victims per 100,000.

Statistics Canada

When it comes to the provinces, Saskatchewan was at the top of the list for firearm related crime, at 34 victims per 100,000 people followed by Manitoba at 32 per 100,000.

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The national average was 21 per 100,000.

Saskatchewan also had the highest rate of youth accused of violent firearm crime at 82 per 100,000 youth. StatsCan classifies youth as those between the ages of 12 and 17.

Saskatchewan also reported the highest rate for non-firearm related crime in 2012, with 1,879 victims per 100,000 population. The national average was 1,033 victims for every 100,000 people.

Saskatoon third among Canadian cities for violent gun crime in 2012 - image
Statistics Canada

The numbers were reported in Statistics Canada Firearms and violent crime in Canada, 2012.

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