
Global News Calgary anchor wins coveted award for week-long series

Jayme Doll, Global News Calgary.
Jayme Doll, Global News Calgary. Global News

Global News Calgary anchor and reporter Jayme Doll’s love for globetrotting and passion for journalism has earned her a prestigious international industry award.

The Radio Television Digital News Association (RTDNA) announced the 14 international winners of the coveted Edward R. Murrow Awards and Doll’s weeklong series called Africa: Inside the Pearl was chosen in the “Excellence in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion” category.

Doll travelled to Uganda with her family to write a compelling series of stories, highlighting the heartfelt tales of five people in that country defying all odds. You can watch it here. 

Global News Calgary editor Ian Brand worked his creative magic to put the series together.

“Jayme’s signature style of writing helped weave these heartfelt tales. I am so proud of Jayme, she worked tirelessly to put this series together and I know it’s been a true labour of love for her,” said Global News Calgary managing editor Jill Croteau. “It’s wonderful for her and Ian to be recognized.”

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The regional award now advances on to the national competition in August.

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