
Contracts signed, deposits collected, but work not completed in reno scams: Peel police

Toronto resident Trisztan Tarnoci, 23, has been charged. Handout / Peel Regional Police

Contracts were signed and deposits collected in a series of renovation frauds that have now resulted in an arrest, Peel Regional Police say.

Police said in a news release Tuesday that between April 2023 and November 2023, a man signed three renovation contracts and obtained deposits totalling $37,000.

In each case, police said the man “promised to provide a service, signed a contract, collected a deposit, and failed to provide said service or return the deposit.”

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Investigators said they believe there are also more victims and asked them to come forward.

On May 16, Toronto resident Trisztan Tarnoci, 23, of TRT Masonry & General Contracting, was arrested and charged with defrauding the public and possession of property obtained by crime, police said.

“Peel Regional Police would like to remind the public to be meticulous in vetting their contractors by asking for personal referrals, checking online reviews, and verifying their credentials,” the release said.

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Anyone with additional information can contact police or Crime Stoppers.

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