630 CHED, the best talk radio station in Edmonton is moving to 880 AM. 880 CHED will also be the exclusive broadcaster of the 5-time Stanley Cup winning Edmonton Oilers.
To donate to the Stollery Children’s Hospital during the Corus Radiothon, please call 780-407-KIDS (5437) or visit stollerykids.com.
On its 25th anniversary, the 2024 Corus Radiothon raised a record-breaking $1.95M over two days for the Stollery Children’s Hospital in Edmonton.
“I knew that I always wanted to be one of the people up there on the actual podiums answering the questions.”
According to police, there have been 138 shootings in 2022 so far. Eighty-five per cent were targeted, 62 per cent had the potential for innocent bystanders to be killed.
The 23rd annual Corus Radiothon in support of Edmonton’s Stollery Children’s Hospital broke another record in 2022, raising more than $1.8 million dollars over two days.
‘What an impact she has had on the world and the legacy she has left for animals,’ AARCS said in an email.
Santas Day in support of 630 CHED Santas Anonymous raised more than $160,000 on Wednesday, which will allow the charity to help 4,000 children.
About 1,200 court cases involving serious crimes are at risk of falling through the cracks because there are not enough prosecutors, the Alberta Crown Attorneys’ Association says.