Doctor Oren Amitay
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Why your selfies with Rob Ford are encouraging himAlthough some of these people try to play it down or claim they were ridiculing Ford, the excitement and look in their eyes often reveals their true motives.Apr 8, 2014
The Triangle of LoveThe Triangular Theory of Love does present a very practical and useful way of looking at one’s current relationship or perhaps one’s maladaptive beliefs about relationships.LifestyleMar 31, 2014
Best Valentine’s Day gift? Learn what love means to your partnerThe expectations surrounding such an event can cause problems on a day that is as supposed to celebrate love and commitmentLifestyleFeb 13, 2014
The paralyzing effects of fear, anxiety and irrationality in doomed relationshipsEveryone likely knows at least one couple that has stayed together long past their expiration date. The question is why.LifestyleFeb 5, 2014
Resentment: The cancer of relationshipsThe unwillingness to acknowledge and deal with resentment in a healthy manner is the most common factor that leads to the eventual breakup of relationships.HealthJan 28, 2014
The dangerous liars who can sometimes be helpedThose who are willing to accept help can benefit from support.Nov 15, 2013
What lies behind the most dangerous lies?How they operate and the reasons behind their actions.Nov 6, 2013
The most dangerous liars of allWhy do some people continue to deny accusations when faced with evidence?Nov 1, 2013
Why people act so out of character on HalloweenPeople act differently thanks to the power of anonymity.Oct 28, 2013
The psychology behind irrational votingThere is a reason why people keep voting for the same party again and again.Oct 11, 2013
The psychology behind victim blamingWhy do they get blamed? It's due to three psychological or cognitive processes.Sep 29, 2013
Why you need to talk to your kids about sexual assaultHow can you prepare your children? Start with an open, honest conversation.EducationSep 6, 2013