
Calgary’s longest serving councillor won’t seek re-election

CALGARY – Ward 1 Councillor Dale Hodges has announced he won’t be seeking re-election in the upcoming civic election.

Dale is the longest serving member of City Council, currently serving his tenth term for Ward 1.

He has been in office for 30 years, after being elected in October of 1983.

Hodges says one of his most memorable moments while in office is the staging of the ’88 Olympics in Calgary.

“There were hundreds and hundreds of municipal employees involved in pulling the ’88 games off,” says Hodges. “That was quite a significant event.”

Currently Dale sits on the following boards and committees:

  • Standing Policy Committee on Planning & Urban Development
  • Standing Policy Committee on Transit & Transportation, Vice Chair
  • Gas, Power and Telecommunications Committee, Vice Chair
  • Land & Asset Strategy, Chair
  • Corporate Pension Governance Committee
  • Parking Authority, Calgary
  • Subdivision and Development Appeal Board
  • Inter-Municipal Committee (IMC), Foothills
  • Legacy Parks Fund

Hodges has lived in northwest Calgary for over 35 years.

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His fellow councillors are expressing their sadness over news of his retirement.

Mayor Nenshi also released a statement on Friday afternoon, calling Hodges a pillar in the community. His complete statement can be found below:

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Today, my colleague, Alderman Dale Hodges, shared with me that he does not intend to run again in the next municipal election.

Breaking news from Canada and around the world sent to your email, as it happens.

I’ll miss him. A lot.

It is always disappointing when a dedicated public servant such as Dale decides step away from this role, but I can’t help but feel so lucky and proud to have served with him. Dale believes strongly in democracy and the power of individuals and he wears that on his sleeve. And if it weren’t obvious enough, he posts this quote on his website:

“To make democracy work, we must be a nation of participants, not simply observers. One who does not vote has no right to complain.” – Louis L’Amour

As our city’s longest-serving alderman at 30 years over 10 terms, Dale is a voice of trusted wisdom on Council. I have always valued his insight into the topics of the day—often because Dale always knows how we got here.

Dale can easily be described as a pillar in the communities he serves, and the citizens of Ward 1 have been well-served by him over the years. He has represented them on many committees and projects over the years—most recently on the Calgary Parking Authority, Legacy Parks Fund, Subdivision and Development Appeal Board, and Land and Asset Strategy (to name just a few). He is a very hard-working politician and an example for those who will follow in his footsteps.

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I wish Dale and Yvonne all the very best in the adventures that follow. And I have no doubt our paths will continue to pass.

In fact: Dale, you should expect a call from the Mayor’s Office soon. There are many ways to serve Calgarians.

– Mayor Naheed Nenshi

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