
RCMP have new tool that helps extend the long arm of the law

Click to play video: 'Police using long photo radar lens to catch distracted drivers'
Police using long photo radar lens to catch distracted drivers
WATCH: It's a game changer in the fight against distracted driving. As Ted Chernecki reports, police have a new tool to spot texting drivers more than a kilometre away – May 19, 2016

Could that scope BE any longer?

As the May long weekend approaches, so does the RCMP’s annual crackdown on dangerous driving. And this year, Mounties are armed with a new tool — a scope with long-range abilities to help put a stop to drivers who are putting lives at risk.

READ MORE: Chronic distracted driver now banned from driving in BC

The scopes, which are attached to cameras, allow police to see drivers who may be texting or on the phone from up to a kilometre away. They are currently being rolled out across the province.

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BC RCMP Traffic Services hopes the scope will help tackle what’s become the province’s top dangerous driving behaviour. In 2014, 66 people were killed on B.C. roads.

The rollout of this new tool comes after B.C. government announced that starting on June 1, a first-time distracted driving ticket in B.C. will cost you $543.

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Additionally, if drivers collect more than three points on their driving record in 12 months, ICBC will charge a Driver Penalty Point (DPP) premium. A second distracted driving ticket within 12 months will pay $368, totaling $888. A third offence would cost a driver more than $3,000.

Along with keeping an eye out for distracted driving this long weekend, RCMP will be cracking down on speeding, aggressive driving, impaired driving and not wearing a seat belt.


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