
MPP Cheri DiNovo petitions for Roosh V ban

Ontario NDP MPP Cheri DiNovo . ALEX GUIBORD / The Globe and Mail

TORONTO – A twitter battle has erupted between MPP Cheri DiNovo and the controversial pickup artist Roosh V.

DiNovo will be participating in a rally on Saturday that is petitioning to ban Roosh V’s performance in Toronto.

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“There is a bigger message here too that is not just Roosh V, and that is clearly hate speech,” DiNovo said.

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“We have had some legal opinions who have weighed in on this and if he does speak and he does utter the same kind of  things he’s put on his blogs and his books and online – that rape should be legalized, that he has gloated about being a rapist and is proud of that fact – if he comes out with things like that, then that is hate speech and we’ve alerted police and he should be charged.”

RooshV shot back to the Ontario MPP saying DiNovo is supporting a “a feminist whose ‘activism’ has led to multiple violations of Canadian law”.

In an online blog post, Roosh V alleges that Sara Parker Tulson, the woman who began an online petition to ban the pickup artist, posted the address of where Roosh V will be staying while in Canada.

The post also says after the address was posted, obscene vandalism appeared outside of his temporary quarters in Montreal.

The anti-feminist writer says DiNovo is supporting someone who is in violation of Canadian law.

“This is the pot calling the kettle black,” DiNovo said.

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“This is someone who is advocating criminal behaviour. I don’t think somebody who is advocating criminal behaviour has any place to stand, in terms of complaining about somebody being upset with his presence.”

READ MORE: Mayor John Tory says controversial pick-up artist Roosh V has ‘no place’ in Toronto

DiNovo says Roosh V’s followers have been attacking women on social media who speaks out against him.

“They’ve released addresses about women online who said anything negative about Roosh V,” she said.

“I can’t speak for every woman in the world, but I can speak to why women are angry about this – he is advocating assault against women.”

The rally will be taking place tomorrow at Queen’s Park at noon.

Many political figures have spoken out against Roosh V including Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Toronto Mayor John Tory


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