
Aspiring model-actor dies after horrific accident

Brian McClellen, pictured on his Facebook page in June 2014. Facebook

TORONTO — A fledgling actor and model who recently landed a role on a Hilary Duff TV series died Monday after being burned on a New York train.

Brian McClellen, 21, was found on fire atop a commuter train bound for Manhattan at a station in Riverside, Connecticut early Sunday morning.

Authorities said McClellen, allegedly under the influence of alcohol, climbed on top of the train and came into contact with wires delivering 12,500 volts of electricity to the train.

According to the New York Post, McClellen was rushed to hospital with burns on more than 90 per cent of his body. It reported hospital sources as saying he was “horribly disfigured.”

A native of Cleveland, Ohio, McClellen was in New York City to pursue his dreams of being an actor.

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Represented by Colby Models, he did a number of photo shoots and was featured in British magazine Chasseur.

McClellan was reportedly about to do a guest role on Duff’s new TV series Younger.

His Facebook page has videos showing him doing various stunts. In one, posted in August, he completes the Ice Bucket Challenge in his underwear.

Last November, McClellan wrote on Facebook: “I know im going to change the world. its only a matter of time … I will change the world to anybody who reads this you have my word.

“I was put on this earth for a reason and i know that reason.”

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