
Phantom lawn mower trims grass for soccer players

Phantom lawn mower trims grass for soccer players - image
Global News

KELOWNA, BC — It’s the start of soccer season for kids in the Okanagan and their ability to play is being affected by the ongoing teacher strike.

Grassy fields have been left ungroomed while the picket lines are up.

The long grass is causing the young soccer players to fall over, according to parents.

“They’ve been sliding all over the place. They can’t see the ball and they’re tripping,” says Janice Howell as she watches her son play.

One parent couldn’t stand the overgrown lawns and even took it upon himself to mow a field.

When we reached him for comment, but he declined to speak.

Unfortunately, according to the Central Okanagan School District this good deed crossed the line.

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Larry Paul with the district says it doesn’t matter who mows the lawn, there’s still a collective agreement in place.

“If someone comes to cut the grass, that is contracting out and a violation of our collective agreement. It doesn’t matter who pays, or if it’s voluntary,” explains Paul.

But some parents are praising the soccer dad’s efforts. One person even saying he deserves a medal.

“Good for him because [the kids’] performance is down for sure,” says Ashley Haines.

However, not everyone feels the same way.

“While it’s frustrating that the grass is long, I think it’s a good statement in support of what the teachers are trying to achieve in their strike,” says David Williams.

The young soccer players aren’t taking sides; they just want to be able to play their best.


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