
Car prowling on the rise

Just a few items taken in recent car prowlings on the cities west side.

LETHBRIDGE- A spree of car prowling has prompted Lethbridge Regional Police to remind residents to protect their vehicles from theft.

The warmer weather makes stealing from vehicles easier, and people tend to leave more items out in the open.

“We are seeing a decrease in smash and grabs because people don’t want to draw attention to themselves by breaking a window, they will only be able to break into one or two cars. Now, they are trying door handles. If they get 15 out of a hundred unlocked cars, that’s a good haul for them,” says Cst. Travis McLennan with Lethbridge Regional Police.

LRPS have charged three people in connection with a series of thefts from unlocked vehicles in the Sun Ridge and Paradise Canyon neighborhoods last week.

Police say over 30 vehicles were broken into, and now have a number of stolen items to return the proper owners.

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In all cases the property -ranging from keys, cell phones, GPS units, credit cards, sunglasses and more was stolen from unlocked vehicles.

Police say the best way to protect yourself from car prowling is to always remove valuables from vehicles and lock the doors. Car prowling is generally a crime of opportunity, so it’s important to take preventative steps in order to reduce the risk of being victimized.

To view a photo book of the recovered items you can visit te LRPS website here:

Anyone who recognizes an item is asked to contact Cst. Tupper at 403-330-5198. Proof of ownership will be required to claim any recovered property.

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