
Calgarian dismayed by vote to demolish historic Elbow Park School

CALGARY- A retired teacher and local historian says she is shocked by a vote by public school trustees to demolish Elbow Park School.

The school, built in 1926, was badly damaged in the June flood, partially splitting open when the floodwaters rushed in.

On Tuesday night, trustees voted to level the school and rebuild, after learning a renovation could cost at least 50 per cent more.

Beverley Smith, who wrote a book on the history of Calgary schools, says the school should be considered a historic site, especially the library.

“Of all the hundreds of school libraries in the system, this one stands out for its architecture with dark panelled walls, vaulted wood beams, heavy wood bookcases and furniture,” says Smith.

“This is a place, like an old cathedral, whose very structure tells a message of respect of what happens here,” adds Smith. “It is place of meditation and study and just stunning.”

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READ MORE: CBE trustees vote to rebuild Elbow Park School

Some parents who spoke with Global News outside the school Wednesday morning, agree the building should be saved.

“That is an historical school and it would be really, really nice to do as much as we can to save that historic building,” said Veronica Valdez.

Others, like Krista Poole, say the decision to demolish the school is a practical one.

“I think it’s hard on the kids to see such a special place be torn down, but I think it’s the right decision because its expensive and it will take a long time to fix what’s there.”

READ MORE: Portables open for displaced Elbow Park students

Some parents would like to see a new school on the site incorporate elements of the old one.

“It’s important for the community to try as hard it can to save as many of the features of the old school and incorporate them into the new school,’ says Pearse Cole. “They can do that by saving some of the old bricks and some of the old exterior doors.”

The proposal to demolish Elbow Park School will be submitted to the province for approval.

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The new school would go up at the same location in southwest Calgary, and could open in the fall of 2016.

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