
Reaction to 3 newest Saskatchewan MLAs who won seats in provincial byelection

The Sask. NDP leader Carla Beck and Premier Scott Moe send their congratulatory remarks to the province's newest MLAs who won seats in the latest byelection. Global Regina still

The leaders of the province congratulated the successful candidates in the latest Saskatchewan byelection.

Jared Clarke in Regina Walsh Acres has won the seat formerly held by Derek Meyers, before he passed away due to cancer in March.

Noor Burki won the Regina Coronation Park seat.

Click to play video: 'Saskatchewan premier reflects on byelection results following NDP winning two of three seats'
Saskatchewan premier reflects on byelection results following NDP winning two of three seats

Saskatchewan NDP Carla Beck congratulated two of their party’s candidates on winning two seats in the latest provincial byelection.

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“We are stronger together. Look what we can accomplish,” said MLA Beck.

“We not only saw amazing results, (but) we also saw quality people who are determined to deliver better for the people of this province and who worked so hard to do it. And I am so thrilled with the result.”

Premier Scott Moe congratulated the two Sask. NDP candidates who won seats in the Regina Walsh Acres and Regina Coronation Park constituencies and also Blaine McLeod, who won a seat for Sask. Party in the Lumsden-Morse constituency.

Photo courtesy: Saskatchewan Party website

“Congratulations to the three successful candidates, Saskatchewan’s three newest MLAs,” he said. “I’m obviously very happy about that win, and somewhat disappointed from the party perspective by the two losses that we experienced in the Regina seats.

“Urban byelection wins have proved to be very elusive for the Saskatchewan Party.”

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Premier Moe also said in every election, voters are sending a message to their government on what they are concerned about such as issues like housing availability and the costs of living.

“All families across the nation and certainly across our province do have concerns about uncertainty as well as the subsequent cost of living that we are experiencing,” he said.

“As the government of Saskatchewan, we need to listen to that message and we need to look to as to what we can do to address those concerns of those families and those individuals in the city of Regina, and I’d say more broadly across the province.”

A second counting of the vote will take place on Aug. 12, before being finalized on Aug. 22.

— with files from Andrew Benson 

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Sask. residents battle with cost of living ahead of byelections

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