Chronic wasting disease, the return of the block parent program, and pollinator research at the University of Saskatchewan.
Here’s your morning rewind for the Monday, July 4, edition of Global News Morning Saskatoon.
Chronic wasting disease spreading in Prairie provinces
Researchers in Saskatchewan and Alberta are looking at how chronic wasting disease (CWD) may be spreading among wildlife on the Prairies.
The spread of CWD could have many far-reaching implications for both provinces.
Debbie McKenzie, a biological science professor at the University of Alberta, explores ways we could be affected by CWD.

Block parent program makes a return to Saskatchewan

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It may have been a while since you’ve seen a block parent sign, but it’s making a comeback in one Saskatchewan community.
Lindsay Soderholm with the Block Parent Program explains what the program is and why she wanted to bring it back to Unity.

USask researching the role of pollinators role in food production
Bees are generating quite a buzz these days at the University of Saskatchewan as researchers try to learn more about the role pollinators play in food production.
Ultimately, they want to learn as much as they can to make sure bees can stay alive and thrive in a healthy environment.
Sarah Wood tells us about the work she does on campus to make that happen.

Saskatoon morning weather outlook: Monday, July 4
Overcast with a chance of showers later in the day.
