
Frog takes flight during NASA launch

Frog takes flight during NASA launch - image
NASA/Wallops Flight Facility/Chris Perry

TORONTO – Poor little guy.

A frog with very bad timing and an even worse real estate sense was captured by NASA’s Goddard cameras during the launch of the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) mission to the moon.

Launch of LADEE

The rocket launched from Wallops Flight Facility in Virginia on Sept. 6.

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NASA Goddard Space Flight Center said that the photograph was captured in a single frame by one of the remote cameras at the launch pad.

Wallops Flight Facility is located on the Virginia coast along the Atlantic Ocean. It is adjacent to two wildlife refuge areas.

The condition of the frog was unknown. LADEE, on the other hand, launched successfully and is on its way to the moon.

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