
MADD Regina launches annual Red Ribbon Campaign, promotes sober driving

MADD Regina launched its Project Red Ribbon campaign on Thursday, promoting sober driving throughout the holiday season. File / Global News

MADD Regina is once again reminding people to find a safe ride home after having one too many drinks over the holidays.

The organization’s annual Project Red Ribbon awareness campaign kicked off Monday, placing an emphasis on sober driving throughout the upcoming holiday season.

“While the usual parties and celebrations may be limited this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the holiday season is still a busy time on our roads and still a time of high risk for impaired driving,” the group said in a release.

The red ribbons symbolize a person’s commitment to driving sober and serve as a tribute to those who were killed or hurt in impaired driving crashes, according to the organization.

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MADD Regina is asking the public to plan a safe ride home, which can include a cab, public transit or a designated driver, if they are going to be consuming alcohol, cannabis or other drugs.

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“If we all do our part, we can prevent these preventable, horrible and heartbreaking events,” said MADD Regina’s president Dawn Brodt-Tatham.

“Let’s all do our part and make our roads safer this holiday season and throughout the year.”

Last year, SGI recorded the lowest number of impaired driving fatalities and injuries in the province’s history.

In 2019, 21 people lost their lives as a result of impaired driving and 332 were injured. Between 2009 and 2018, deaths due to impaired driving averaged 54 annually, with 595 injuries.

Residents can take part in the campaign by purchasing a red ribbon and tying it to their car, key chain or purse, wearing it or posting about it on social media platforms.

Ribbons and car decals are available through MADD Regina, SLGA locations and various businesses in Regina.

The campaign runs from now until Jan. 4, 2021.

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Click to play video: 'Impaired driving is up while Saskatchewan locked down, according to SGI'
Impaired driving is up while Saskatchewan locked down, according to SGI

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