
Vernon Girls Trumpet Band dusts off instruments after 11-year hiatus

Click to play video: 'Vernon Girls Trumpet Bands tunes up after 11 year hiatus'
Vernon Girls Trumpet Bands tunes up after 11 year hiatus
WATCH: The Vernon Girls Trumpet band, an institution in the Okanagan is returning to the Vernon Winter Carnival Parade in honour of its 60th anniversary. – Jan 31, 2020

The Vernon Girls Trumpet band, an Okanagan institution that’s been silent for 11 years, is back in play, and now its members are tuning up for the Vernon Winter Carnival Parade.

“We are a combination of many generations of bands,” said Cathy Sim, the band’s co-ordinator.

“The band is family to me. Mr. Hodgson, who started the bad, was my mom’s dad.”

Founded in 1947, the band has travelled and played throughout Canada, the U.S. and Europe for 62 years, where the musicians would show off their Precision Marching and Fancy Drills.

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Now, the band is preparing for its triumphant return on Saturday, Feb. 8.

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“It’s overwhelming. It’s very emotional,” said Madeline Taylor, who became a member in 1963.

The rehearsals have drummed up some childhood memories for some of the band’s members, too.

“They’ve watched me grow up; it’s pretty surreal,” said Sarina Torres, who joined when she was just nine years old.

“We sound really good. It’s really different, seeing people that taught me now have kids.”

The band will reprise their classic routines at the Winter Carnival Parade Saturday, Feb. 8 at 12 p.m.

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