
Liberal candidate Chrystia Freeland’s signs vandalized in midtown Toronto neighbourhood

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Federal election campaign signs vandalized coast to coast
ABOVE: Federal election campaign signs vandalized coast to coast – Oct 21, 2019

Election campaign signs for Liberal candidate Chrystia Freeland have been defaced in one of Toronto’s midtown neighbourhoods.

Freeland, who is the incumbent candidate in University-Rosedale, has signs in the area of Dupont and Christie streets in which her image has been crossed out with black spray paint.

Paul Davis, a co-chair and director of Freeland’s riding association, stopped by to replace the signs due to the damage, adding that his riding association has seen hundreds of instances of vandalism.

“We got a call this morning from this address about what they found,” Davis said.

“Usually, on election day, we don’t have much to do with the signage,” he added, saying that due to the extensive damage, “we are allowed to replace or remove damaged signs.”

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Davis also said his riding association is disappointed and annoyed with the amount of vandalism during this election, as it takes away from the efforts of those working on the campaign.

The vandalism also distresses a lot of the residents who walk by, he said, noting that his riding association has lost a fair amount of signage due to vandalism.

“Once these signs are up, they’re protected by the Canada Elections Act,” he said, saying those who deface the signs are committing a federal offence.

Some of the vandalism includes a sticker with the phrase “bought the Trans Mountain pipeline” on one sign and the phrase “fire Freeland” spray-painted on another.

A resident passing by the area said he doesn’t think the vandalism is done with malice as it could just be teenagers.

“I think it’s unfortunate that the sign is semi-destroyed and I think it’s probably teenagers having what they think is having a good time,” said Jim Howes.

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He said it’s the first he’s seen of the vandalism.

“I don’t think it’s been a pattern in this neighbourhood,” Howes said. “It’s not pleasant to see, but I don’t take it very seriously.”

Freeland is running against Conservative candidate Helen-Claire Tingling, NDP candidate Melissa Jean-Baptiste Vajda, Green Party candidate Tim A. Grant, People’s Party candidate Aran Lockwood, Communist Party candidate Drew Garvie and Animal Protection Party candidate Liz White.

With files from Albert Delitala 

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