
Dark Poutine podcast recap: The murder of Sandy Seale

Donald Marshall Jr. became a symbol for Canada's wrongfully convicted after spending 11 years in prison for a murder he didn't commit. CP PHOTO/Darren Calabrese

This week’s episode of the Dark Poutine podcast covers the May 1971 murder of Sandy Seale, a young black teen in Wentworth Park in Sydney, N.S.

Seale and a 17-year-old Indigenous teen named Donald Marshall Jr., who was son of the Mi’kmaq grand chief, were out in the park that evening. Marshall was also injured, and yet he was later charged with the crime.

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After spending almost 12 years in prison, Marshall was exonerated by a fresh RCMP investigation after new evidence was presented to him by a friend. He was freed, and the real killer, Roy Ebsary, was eventually convicted.

This led to one of the largest inquiries into a wrongful conviction in Canadian history. Marshall ultimately received a lifetime pension of $1.5 million and died on Aug. 6, 2009 in Sydney.

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