
Freezing dog rescued from Regina bus shelter

A small dog was discovered shivering in a Regina bus shelter on Wednesday afternoon.
A small dog was discovered shivering in a Regina bus shelter on Wednesday afternoon. Regina Transit

It’s a heartwarming story to beat historically icy temperatures.

A quick-thinking Regina transit crew is being credited with saving a puppy that was found freezing in a bus shelter Wednesday afternoon.

After a bus passenger noticed the shivering dog, transportation service officer Darren Szabo raced to the scene to keep the dog warm until the Regina Humane Society arrived.

“It was hard,” Szabo admitted after seeing the cowering pup. “I knew with the extreme temperatures that a matter of minutes could make a difference between him losing the tips of his ears or his paws.”

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The dog initially growled at the officer, but relented after Szabo, an animal lover and owner of a chocolate Labrador named Willow, tucked a warm jacket around him.

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“He was just as scared as he was cold,” Szabo said. “If I got cold, I could always grab another jacket. This poor dog didn’t have that chance.”

After about ten minutes, the Humane Society arrived to give the dog a check up and begin the search for his owners.

The puppy has since made a full recovery and returned to his family.

If he ever comes up for adoption, Szabo hopes to take him home and name him ‘Nova’, after the type of bus in the city’s transit fleet.

He’s also urging people to use the city’s Safe Bus Program if they find themselves in distress during the cold snap.

All city buses will pull over to aid someone if they hold out their hand with the palm facing out to signal the driver for help.

Transit personnel have direct access to 911 and medical services. There is no fare to get help through the Safe Bus program.

“It’s important we reach out and help each other; whether it’s a small animal in need or a person in need.”

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