
City of Kelowna lifts parking ban on snow routes

The City of Kelowna has lifted its snow advisory from Wednesday, meaning on-street parking will once again be allowed in certain areas of the city. Global News

The City of Kelowna has lifted its snow advisory from earlier in the week, meaning on-street parking will be allowed once again in certain areas of the city.

Approximately 11 centimetres fell between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning, which was when the city enacted its on-street parking ban for easier road clearing. The ban affected the following areas: Wilden, the Ponds, Magic Estates, Dilworth Mountain, Academy Way, Black Mountain and Kirschner Mountain.

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On Friday, in announcing it was lifting the ban, the city said that “residents are still encouraged to move their vehicles off the road when it snow as it helps plows clear from curb to curb safely and quickly.

“Also, with the temperatures hovering around zero degrees Celsius, residents can expect ice to form over the next few days due to the freeze-thaw cycle. While crews will be out sanding and de-icing, motorists should be mindful of vehicle speeds and take extra care on sidewalks.”

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