In a shocking twist that no one would expect from the heteronormative world of The Bachelor, two female contestants left the bachelor stranded at a Bachelor: Vietnam rose ceremony, claiming they’d found love with one another instead of with him.
During the ceremony, tearful contestant Minh Thu explained to bachelor Nguyen Quoc Trung that she was interested in another person when it looked like she wasn’t going to get a rose from him.
“I went into this competition to find love,” said Thu. “I’ve found that love for myself, but it isn’t you. It’s someone else.”
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She then left her spot in the lineup and walked over to fellow contestant Truc Nhu and the pair embraced in a long hug.
“Come home with me,” said Thu to Nhu. “Come home with me. Yeah?”
Nhu seemed noncommittal and never vocally agreed to Thu’s request; she frequently looked down and was unsure about what to do.
She walked up to disappointed bachelor Trung and said, “I’m sorry. I really want to get to know you because you’re someone who made me feel special and I haven’t felt that way in a long time.”
“I want to ask, if you decide this, would you feel regretful?,” replied Trung. “This doesn’t change my decision. I’m not going to give this rose to anyone else. You only get one chance in this life, and you need to take it. Only you, not anyone else. I want to let you know that I think you’ll have regret if you continue with what you are about to say.”
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Despite his statement, Nhu denied him.
“I know you’ll find someone who really loves you, who understands you, who knows how to take care of you, who can look at you from afar and know how you’re feeling,” she said. “I’m sorry.”
Nhu and Thu then left the rose ceremony together, seemingly happy ever after.
But reality-show blogs report that following the rose-ceremony shocker, Trung had a heart-to-heart with Nhu, who then decided to accept his rose after all and stay on the show. Apparently, Thu left without drama.
“After talking to Trung, I’ve changed my mind to accept this rose and continue this journey,” said Nhu.
This was the first time in Bachelor franchise history that two contestants publicly acknowledged a relationship, though some reality fans say the whole thing was staged in an effort to boost ratings.
Others expressed disappointment that Nhu returned to the competition instead of departing with Thu.
This is the first-ever season of Bachelor: Vietnam.