The Nanaimo Daily News is currently facing online criticism and backlash from a letter to the editor they published on their site called ‘Educate first nations to be modern citizens’.
The piece, written by Don Olsen, talked about how First Nations people never invented the wheel, or had written music, or really invented anything.
“Do they need help?” the article asked. “Yes” was the reply.
It concluded by stating “Instead of finding their source of pride in some folks who occupied the land 15,000 years ago. Let them stand or fall on their own account. Just like the rest of us have to do.”

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The piece has since been removed from the site.
But it has gone viral on social media, and a Facebook group has been formed to protest the piece and to rally outside the Nanaimo Daily News at noon today.
The Nanaimo Daily News has published an editorial clarification about the letter saying”
While we would defend Mr. Olsen’s right to hold and express his opinion, the sentiments expressed were entirely his own and in no way reflect the views of the newspaper.
The letter should not have run.