Keshia Knight Pulliam‘s journey on Celebrity Big Brother didn’t quite go how she expected.
She started off by aligning with CBB house superpower Omarosa, and things were rosy, but somewhere along the way, Pulliam lost the desire to continue on. She claimed on Monday night’s episode that her breast milk had started to dissipate — she’d been pumping for the duration of her time in the house — and her one-year-old daughter relied heavily on it.
As a result, the 38-year-old felt compelled to ask to be sent home.
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“I really wanted to compete and be here with you all,” she said in her last speech. “The truth of the matter is my breast milk continues to deplete since I’ve been here. There’s nothing more important than my baby, so I apologize, but please use whatever ounce of compassion you have to send me home.”
In a unanimous 7-0 vote, Pulliam was sent packing.
Global News spoke with Pulliam the day after her eviction, and the former Cosby Show star told us her thoughts about “that” conversation with Omarosa, and who she thinks may take the whole thing.
Global News: So are you happy to be out of the house and back with your daughter?
Keshia Knight Pulliam: I’m definitely happy that I’m here for her, and making sure her needs are met. A lot of people don’t fully understand that when you’re breastfeeding… it’s really up to the child to decide when she’s not interested. I was pumping every day from the moment I entered the house. Breast milk was being delivered to her daily, but I could not have anticipated the environment and the stress of the experience… the toll it took on my breast milk.
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I wanted to fight as long as I could, I came to play and win. But ultimately it’s family first and her well-being is my priority. The final straw was, on the morning of eviction, my breast pump broke. I was like, “Are you kidding me?” Of course, they brought me a new one, but I was like “God, I’m listening. I get it loud and clear.”
Are you surprised that you ended up trusting Omarosa the most out of anybody in the house?
I was completely and utterly surprised. Going in, if you’d asked me, I never would’ve thought that the two of us would become so close, and develop a friendship and a bond. I’m really grateful that I went into Big Brother with an open mind without making assumptions about people. My desire was to allow people to show me who they were and to believe them.
Omarosa really showed me who she was. I’m grateful that I didn’t have preconceived notions about her. I got to know her for who she is. That’s a valuable lesson for a lot of people; so often we make assumptions and have stereotypes. We don’t have the same religious beliefs, or we don’t have the same political standpoint, all of these different things… does that mean we can’t be friends? We had a conversation where we were able to talk in a respectable, transparent, honest manner, as two women… have that conversation but with respect for each other’s position.
WATCH BELOW: Omarosa vs. Keshia Knight Pulliam on ‘Celebrity Big Brother’
That moment really stood out for the viewers. You maintained civil discussion. You didn’t even raise your voices.
It doesn’t have to be that way! You can have different perspectives and disagree. We’re all human beings. It’s about finding the common ground. In entertainment, people want the salacious, they want the screaming and the yelling. But that isn’t the reality of being a woman. Women can come together and women can have conversations in a respectful, loving way.
Did you have a favourite moment in the house?
For me, my sanctuary was the kitchen. That’s my love language: cooking. I had my spice line, Keshia’s Kitchen… cooking those meals was a highlight for me. When I was HOH I opened Keshia’s Beauty Salon and did everybody’s hair. That was my other blow-off-steam moment, a moment where the women really bonded and got to know one another. That’s one of the reasons I was really pushing the women’s alliance.
It’s tough to predict! Big Brother has so many twists and turns. I always joke that Metta [World Peace] is either playing the most crazy game or most brilliant game. One of those two. [Laughs] If he wins, he’s getting my vote. Omarosa too, they both have my vote. Omarosa because she had my back, and Metta because he’s the wild card.