
Foster mother case goes to trial in Saskatoon

SASKATOON – Witnesses took the stand as a trial got underway for a foster mother accused of criminal negligence in the death of 22-month old foster child Evander Lee Daniels who drowned in June, 2010.

At this time, it is unknown whether the accused, Eunice Wudrich will take the stand.

“It’s hard to come here, show up and hear all the details but this is what I have to do because it’s the only way I can get answers on how my son passed away.” said Chris Martell, father of the little boy.

The crown’s first witness, a social services resource worker, testified that she learnt after the death of the child that the accused is hearing impaired. News that came as a shock to both the worker and Martell.

“The fact that she’s hard of hearing can’t be that big of an issue, I mean social services approved her and had a chance to deal with her and speak to her and obviously had conversations with her and felt that her hearing was perfectly adequate to be both a parent and a foster parent.” said Defence lawyer Mark Brayford.

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“The major issue in this trial is when an accident moves the sphere from what is a very serious criminal offense of being wilfully and wantingly negligent to the point that you committed a crime.”

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At the time of the drowning Wudrich and her husband were fostering five children, all under the age of four despite recommendations that a maximum of three children be placed in the home.

Immediately following the incident all of the children were removed and her lawyer says she is not facing any civil suits.

“I forgive Eunice Wundrich for me to move on, I have to forgive her and I forgive her, I just hope social services doesn’t put this under the carpet and hope some changes come out of this and this story comes to light.” said Martell.

Meanwhile, an RCMP member who testified today said there was brown material believed to be skin throughout the bathroom in which the boy died in.

“After Eunice left the washroom somehow the hot water tap got turned on according to the evidence that will come in and it was very hot and scalded Evander but that evidence hasn’t come out and I just assume you wait and hear that from the witnesses.” said Brayford.

At this time, the accused has pleaded not guilty to criminal negligence causing death and endangering the life of a child.

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Wunrich’s trial is expected to conclude by mid-week.


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