SASKATOON – Bonnie Nicholson lost her husband Allan Olson on June 5, 2013 due to a congenital heart defect. After his passing Nicholson found comfort in keeping him close to her heart, as his ashes were sealed in a gold heart shaped pendant she wore around her neck everyday.
“Subconsciously I always touch it and you know when I do I have a good thought of Al. The jump ring had worn off and that’s why it was in my car,” said Nicholson.
Nicholson was taking the pendant to a jewellery shop to get it fixed. It was tucked deep in the pocket of a bag under some clothing in her car. Before she could get it repaired someone broke into her car at night, stealing clothes, cash and the irreplaceable pendant.

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“I was hoping that they would have found the eighty dollars and maybe just tossed my bag so I went through all of the garbage bins and recycle bins and dumpsters,” said Nicholson.
After her search Nicholson notified police and pawn shops around the city. Her neighbour, Rob Tanner, created a Facebook page ‘Return Bonnie’s Locket’ with photos of the pendant and a Go Fund Me campaign to raise reward money for its safe return.
“I would encourage people to go look at the images on the Facebook page, get an idea of what it looks like. It’s a little locket … there’s some etching on it. Just so that they know what it looks like, that was the hope is to spread the word. The more eyes that are out there kinda looking for it the more likely we are to find it and get it back to her,” said Tanner.
“I can’t replace it, I don’t have any more ashes. I know his memories are in my heart, but it’s just something that was really dear and close to me,” said Nicholson.
Nicholson said she doesn’t want any retribution, she just wants her heart back – no questions asked.