
Saskatoon firefighters battle apartment fire

Propane tank explodes as Saskatoon firefighters fight blaze at an apartment building. Calvin To / Global News

SASKATOON – Firefighters remain on the scene of an apartment fire in Saskatoon. Crews were called to the apartment building in the 500-block of Avenue X South just after 8:30 a.m.

Firefighters could see heavy smoke on their way to the building. Crews arrived to find flames coming from the third floor balcony.

While assessing the scene, a propane tank on the deck exploded. Crews entered the apartment and were able to contain the fire to the deck.

READ MORE: People evacuated due to smoke from Sask. forest fire returning home

Fire crews searched the building and confirmed everyone had evacuated.

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Firefighters brought the fire under control in under 20 minutes. Crews remain at the scene checking for fire extensions.

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The fire department says the cause of the blaze will remain “undetermined.” An investigator states that the fire originated on the deck and spread into the third floor suite.

Damage is estimated at over $200,000.

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