
Political scandals rock Hudson

HUDSON — It is rare for a town to operate without a manager or a treasurer, but that’s exactly the state of political affairs in Hudson these days.

Two town managers and treasurers have quit in recent weeks; some for political differences with the mayor and others due to the stress that came with the job.

“You got to have ship here and you got to have a captain obviously. And we don’t have a captain,” Hudson Mayor Ed Prévost told Global News.

The mayor says the town is hoping to fill the positions within the next couple of weeks.

The problems stem from the arrest of former long-time manager Louise Leger Villandré, who has been charged with 19 counts relating to fraud and corruption.

Hudson is a bedroom community built around Lac-des-deux-Montagnes with a population of slightly more than 5,000 residents.

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It is quite rare for political upheaval to erupt in this community, but that is what’s been happening in recent months.

“Everybody is running around saying the sky is falling, the sky is falling and it’s not. It’s a few raindrops. Well maybe it’s a little bit more than a few raindrops,” Franks Hicks told Global News.

The owner of Ye Auld Curiosité Boutique on Main Street has his ear to the political ground.

While Hicks is surprised by the latest developments he does think the town will recover as do many other residents who still have confidence in the mayor’s leadership and feel optimistic about the town’s future.

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